I like Michael's observations on GI but his closing comments introduce yet another dimension of GI and that is the devolving content of 'higher ed' courses. It's struck me that grading may be just as well-distributed as ever yet what the students are being graded on has become less and less demanding. Rather like the Hershey bar that still costs a quarter (I wish!) but is now half the size of the original. I don't blame the students -- I teach them from where they can be reached. I do wonder about the change, though.


Beverly J Moore, PhD                                                             Mobile:      334-524-3063

Affiliate Professor, Educational Psychology                              Voice/Fax: 530-678-7130                       

Auburn University, AL 36849                                                    http://www.geocities.com/sieghi

                                  Without music, life would be a mistake. – Nietzsche

Composers should write tunes that chauffeurs and errand boys can whistle. – Thomas Beecham



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