So, if I can't distinguish the faces of my dissertation committee members  
across the conference table, it's a good thing?


>===== Original Message From Stephen Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>> does the correlation still hold that students and profs that wear glasses
>> tend to be above average in intelligence than those who don't?
>> I am not sure about contact lenses?
>Surprisingly, yes. We discussed this back around the end of July
>last year, and I posted a note on July 24th, 2000 about it.
>There's a significant relationship between myopia
>(nearsightedness) and variables such as IQ, educational
>attainment, and amount of time spent reading. The smarter you
>are, or the greater your education, or the more time you spend
>studying, the more myopic you are. And vice versa. Me, I'm so
>nearsighted I can only see behind me.

Pamela Joyce Shapiro, ABD |Office: 738A Weiss Hall
Temple University         |Lab: 833 Weiss Hall
Department of Psychology  |Phone: 215 204-2116
Cognitive Program         |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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