On 7 Apr 2010 at 21:45, michael sylvester wrote:

> I am sure that many are aware of a group of Ethiopians who claim to be 
> jewish(Falanges/Phalanges ??sp)
> Israel was slow to accept them as jewish,but they were later accepted into 
> Israel.
> However Israel discarded all the blood donated by the group from the Israeli 
> blood banks.

True, and they did claim the reason was racial discrimination. 
However, according to Ynet News, back in 2006, the official 
reason was this:

"Magen David Adom spokesman Yeruham Mendola responded 
to the claims:"The guidelines set by the Ministry of Health 
determines that anyone who was born, or who lived for over a 
year since 1977 in central Africa, southeast Asia or the 
Carribean islands, or has spent over six months in Britain, or 
was in France, Ireland or Portugal for over 10 years - can chose 
not to donate blood, or donate blood, which is then marked, and 
know that it will not be used for transfusions." 

I myself spent a year in Britain during the mad cow (BSE) 
epidemic and, as a result, I am not allowed to give blood in 
Canada. I do not consider this discrimination but a reasonable 

I might also mention that Israel carried out a dramatic rescue of 
these Ethiopian Jews from civil war and starvation, and brought 
them to Israel. A quick check through Wikipedia indicates that 
they do not have the genetic markers we've been discussing 
characteristic of other Jews (their DNA differs from 
"conventional Jewish populations").

Enough about Jews, already?

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University               
e-mail:  sblack at ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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