Some subscribers to TIPS and AERA-TEP-SIG128 might be interested in a 
post "Do Undergraduates Comprehend "Concept"? [Hake (2010b)].  The 
abstract reads:

ABSTRACT:   In response to my post "Re: Algebra based/calculus based 
laboratory" [Hake (2010a) regarding the suitability of the same 
conceptual labs for both algebra and calculus-based introductory 
physics courses, a POD subscriber wrote to me:

"Do you know of any study that has been done to evaluate the average 
undergraduate's comprehension of 'concept'?"

Students' comprehension of "concept" has recently been considered by 
Gupta, Hammer, & Redish (2010) in "The Case for Dynamic Models of 
Learners' Ontologies in Physics." They wrote (paraphrasing):

"Chi et al. have contended that a reason for students' difficulties 
in learning physics is that they think about concepts as *things* 
rather than as *processes*, and that there is a significant barrier 
between these two ontological categories. We contest this view, 
arguing that expert and novice reasoning often and productively 
traverses ontological categories."

To access the complete 9 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
24245 Hatteras Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Honorary Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of Deventer, The Netherlands
President, PEdants for Definitive Academic References (PEDAR)

REFERENCES [Tiny URL's courtesy <>.]
Hake, R.R. 2010a. "Re: Algebra based/calculus based laboratory," 
online at <>. 
Post of 9 April 2010 15:14:00-0700 to AERA-L, Net-Gold, and Phys-L. 
The abstract and link to the complete post are also being transmitted 
to various discussion lists and are also online at 
with a provision for comments.

Hake, R.R. 2010b. "Do Undergraduates Comprehend "Concept"?" online on 
the OPEN! AERA-L archives at <>. Post of 11 
Apr 2010 17:20:09-0700 to AERA-L, Net-Gold, and POD. The abstract and 
link to the complete post are also: being transmitted to various 
discussion lists.

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