Quick note -- we're workshopping today.  :/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Kulig [mailto:ku...@mail.plymouth.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 7:38 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
> Subject: Re: [tips] U.S. Adults Say The Darnedest Things!
> "second amendment solutions" etc. But politics in the US has,
> if anything, leaned to the right for many years. Of course

If there has been one thing that the right has been wildly successful at, it's 
moving the Overton window to the right.  The looniest of the right-wing on-air 
personalities have pushed acceptable ideas farther to the right than they've 
ever been.

The left hasn't been very effective in pushing the window back to the left 
because for a while we haven't really had any highly-visible crazies to push 
dialog back in the other direction.


Marc Carter, PhD
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences
Baker University

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