
Thanks for the info, this was my first time attending, this being the "20th 
first annual Ig Nobels". Just fun being in Harvard square ... central NH (as we 
know) is ok, but Cambridge is a very special place! And yes, Miss Sweetie Pie 
was present. I'm not sure about the ticket prices or the best time to buy, my 
ticket was gift, but I'm sure it's advertised in the Journal of Improbable 
Research. And slow-to-connect-the-dots me, I am glad you pointed out that our 
Robin Abrahams is THE Robin Abrahams. Another reminder that this is a great 

John W. Kulig 
Professor of Psychology 
Plymouth State University 
Plymouth NH 03264 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beth Benoit" <>
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 6:46:00 PM
Subject: Re: [tips] The First Individual To Win The Noble AND The IgNoble Prize


I'm so jealous that you got to go to the IgNobel award at Harvard!. 

Okay, everybody there are going to be some fun links in this post, so if you're 
kicking back with a glass of wine tonight and no papers to correct, check out 
the following... 

Some on the TIPS list may not know that "our own" Robin Abrahams (also famous 
as "Miss Conduct" in the Boston Globe Magazine), and 
her husband, Marc, put on this now famous award show. Check out which has lots of funny, quirky things related to the 
IgNobel prizes. There's lots of coverage on youtube, as well as books published 
about the IgNobels (
 ) Be sure to check out Miss Sweetie Pie's role in keeping the recipients' 
presentations short and sweet ("Please stop. I'm bored. Please stop. I'm 
bored." I'll bet our students wish each of our classrooms had a Miss Sweetie 
Pie. There's even a mug at CafePress with her plaintive cry: ). And come on, if you can, you know 
you want to be mentioned in the Luxuriant Hair (Flowing, Former and Facial) 
Club for Scientists.

The night is always sold out far in advance. NEXT year I'm going to remember to 
try earlier to get a ticket. Reading over this post, I'm wondering if I should 
add, "I'm Beth Benoit, and I approved of this message." Wow, what a groupie I 

Beth Benoit 
Granite State College 
Plymouth State University 
New Hampshire 

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 3:58 PM, John Kulig < > wrote: 

I was at the Ig Nobel awards last week and amid all the hoopla and flying paper 
airplanes (an Ig Nobel tradition) I remember only one psychology award (unless 
you count the report on fellatio among bats as psych-related), Richard 
Stephens' (Keele U, UK) research showing that swearing reduces pain - as if 
there was any doubt! his measure of pain involved Ss trying to keep their hand 
in ice water .. here is a link to the abstract and a web MD link:

I doubt his research will win a real Nobel. 

The theme this year was 'bacteria', and the awards that I liked the best: a 
method to collect whale snot with RC helicopters, proof that we slip on ice 
less when we wear socks over our boots, research supporting the idea of 'random 
promotions' in business. Lots of fun .... even though only one person has won 
both an Ig Nobel and a Nobel, real Nobel prize winners award the Ig Nobels .... 
see picture of Nobel prize winners trying out the bra that doubles as a face 
mask (a 2009 Ig Nobel winner):

John W. Kulig 
Professor of Psychology 
Plymouth State University 
Plymouth NH 03264 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Palij" < > 
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" < > 
Cc: "Mike Palij" < > 
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 2:24:59 PM 
Subject: [tips] The First Individual To Win The Noble AND The IgNoble Prize 

Yes, Tipsters with physics envy should be getting really 
frustrated now that Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov 
have won the 2010 Noble Prize in Physics; see:

However, Andre Geim, as noted at the end of the above article, 
had previously won the 2000 IgNoble Prize for research that 
involved levitating frogs -- don't take my word for that, the 
IgNoble Prize folks seem delighted to shout Geim's praises; 

So, who will be the first psychologically oriented Nobel Prize 
winner to also win the IgNoble Prize? 

-Mike Palij 
New York University 

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