Oh dear ... I have Catalan roots (actually, Ibiza; my father's side - Roig) and 
I totally missed it.  

Thanks, Stephen. I will have to get one of those.  

I wonder whether the caganer collector represents the quintessential anal 
retentive character.  ;-) 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" 
Cc: "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:08:58 PM 
Subject: re: [tips] Toilet talk 

On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 15:04:32 -0700, Stephen Black wrote: 
>BTW, speaking of toilet talk, I can't believe that no one on this 
>list reacted to my slipping in a mention of caganers among the 
>things that men collect, in my recent post on collecting. If we 
>can't have a little toilet humour on this list from time to time, 
>what good is it, anyway? 

First, how DARE you use such a word on this list!?!  Why, I 
would have missed it completely if you had not brought it up now. 
And now I had to look up the meaning of the dang thing.  I didn't 
even know there was a word for such a thing. 

Second, for those of you who are like me and are unfamiliar with 
the term "caganer", there is a Wikipedia entry on it with 
"amusing" pictures of examples.  See: 

Third, I've had one girlfriend and a family member who were into 
collecting Christmas ornaments and cannot remember them 
ever referring to a caganer let alone having one.  I've seen my 
share of Christmas nativity scenes over the decades and don't 
ever remember seeing such a figure in any of them.  I will have 
to check out the creche at St. Patrick's cathedral in midtown 
though I have a feeling that I am more likely to see a caganer 
in Old St Patrick's cathedral in Little Italy. 

Fourth, what the hell is Canadian doing using a Catalan cultural 
concept?  Bucking for the "new cultural dude" on Tips? ;-) 

-Mike Palij 
New York University 

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