Bear with me, I need you all to share.  I was creating too much 
deafening noise within myself.  I was racing along as if life was an interstate 
highway, blurring everything around me.   I've been doing that these last few 
days what with be a tad more than concerned about loving Susan's unexpected 
back surgery coming up tomorrow morning, regretting I can't help with the 
synagogues massive corn-beef sandwich sale fundraiser, keeping up with class 
responsibilities, looking at putting together end-of-semester-final grades for 
120 students all this coming week, and struggling to figure out how to handle 
my trip to China so I can to be here for Susan's recovery while not wrecking 
the study abroad program.  It's enough to make a guy go "whew!"  Whenever, as I 
did the other morning, I realize I am screaming to myself and racing along, 
deafening and blinding myself, before the sun comes up, I go out to my darkened 
fishpond.  It's always there that I find my inner silent place; it's always at 
that time that I know life is constantly inviting me to grateful.  My 
responsibility is to accept its invitations, to be profoundly grateful, to be 
seriously joyful, and to look at everything with a grateful, joyful, and 
playful attitude.  You see, we all need to feed and keep our spirit and emotion 
in shape as much as we need to feed and keep our mind and body in shape. There, 
at the pond, once again, I realized the trees, the flowers, the plants grow in 
silence; the fish swim in silence; everything moves in silence:  the stars, the 
sun, the moon move in silence.  So, I went silent.  Sat there. Closed my eyes.  
Took slow, deep breaths.  Focused.  I let the silence and gratitude envelope 
me; I invited them in and let them work them expunging and cleansing magic.  
And, after a while, I walked away with everything once again in a proper 
perspective.  Now, once again, depressurized, refreshed, reinvigorated, I am 
following my nine rules:  relax, go slow, take more time, cover less ground, 
feel more aware, see clearer, feel deeper, listen sharper, enjoy more, and have 
more fun.  Thank you for being here, and .... 

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                 
Department of History              
Valdosta State University 
Valdosta, Georgia 31698                     /\   /\  /\                 /\     
(O)  229-333-5947                            /^\\/  \/   \   /\/\__   /   \  /  
(C)  229-630-0821                           /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ /\/  /  \   
 /\  \
                                                    //\/\/ /\    \__/__/_/\_\/  
  \_/__\  \
                                              /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                          _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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