This may be of some interest to TIPSters: a special issue of Perspectives on 
Psychological Science on the replicability of psychological science findings.
All the articles are accessible online.

>From the Editor's Introduction:
…the replicability of published findings in psychology may become clearer with 
the Reproducibility Project (Open Science Collaboration, 2012, this issue; see 
also Carpenter, 2012). Individuals and small groups of service-minded 
psychologists are each contributing their time to conducting a replication of a 
published result following a structured protocol. The aggregated results will 
provide the first empirical evidence of reproducibility and its predictors.The 
open project is still accepting volunteers. With small contributions from many 
of us, the Reproducibility Project will provide an empirical basis for 
assessing our reproducibility as a field (to find out more, or sign up 
yourself, visit:

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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