Thanks Miguel and Mike. Sure is a cluttered page, but it might indeed be useful 
to help students understand confounds and other control issues. I still find 
many of our senior psych students consider any bias or control problem as a 
confound, and I am always looking for ways to help them differentiate these 

G.L. (Gary) Peterson,Ph.D

> On Jun 23, 2014, at 10:14 AM, "Mike Palij" <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 06:13:28 -0700, Miguel Roig wrote:
>> I saw this video on FB,!2ytsL , which
>> portrays an 'experiment' in which one member of a set of twins chewed gum and
>> viewers rated both twins on a variety of traits and characteristics. I 
>> thought
>> the video might be useful for teaching about confounds, balancing conditions,
>> etc.
> One obvious problem is the control condition used.  Instead of thinking
> of the manipulation as being "chewing gum vs not chewing gum"
> consider "animacy/activity vs inactivity".  Assuming that people are
> more sensitive to animacy/activity than inactivity and that people
> may associate a more positive response to activity, then the results
> are not surprising.  If I remember correctly, sentences with active agents
> (animacy) are processed differently from sentences where the agents
> in the sentence are not engaged in obvious activity.  In any event,
> I think the more proper control is to have the other twin doing something
> with their face, say, making positive faces (smiling), negative faces
> (frowns), and neutral (expressionless like the controls in the video).
> So, if we can get triplets, we can have three conditions:
> (1) chewing gum
> (2) neutral (no facial movement)
> (2) different emotional expression
> Anybody want to write a grant proposal? ;-)
> -Mike Palij
> New York University
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