Thank for this Carol

José Ferreira-Alves, PhD
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De: Carol DeVolder []
Enviada: 5 de setembro de 2014 19:26
Para: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Assunto: [tips] Elevated levels of C-reactive protein in pregnant women linked 
to an increased risk for schizophrenia in offspring?

The following report appeared on Medscape week in review today. I know many 
TIPS subscribers don't subscribe to Medscape, but since it is freely available 
I'm pasting it here. I find it very encouraging, but I'd love to hear what 
others think of this.



Elevated levels of C-reactive protein in pregnant women are strongly linked to 
an increased risk for schizophrenia in offspring, new research shows.

A nested case-control study showed that increasing maternal levels of 
C-reactive protein, a well-established and reliable marker of inflammation, 
were associated with a nearly 60% increased risk for schizophrenia in children. 
The finding remained significant after adjusting for a wide range of potential 
confounders, including parental history of mental illness.

"This finding provides the most robust evidence to date that maternal 
inflammation may play a significant role in schizophrenia, with possible 
implication for identifying preventive strategies and pathogenic mechanisms in 
schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders," the authors, led by 
Sarah Cannetta, PhD, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric 
Institute in New York City, write.

The study is 
published<> in 
the September issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry.

"Priming" the Brain

A growing body of epidemiologic and preclinical evidence suggests that 
infection and subsequent immune activation play a role in the etiology of 
schizophrenia, the researchers note.

"The most convincing epidemiologic studies were based on birth cohorts in which 
maternal biomarkers of infection and inflammation were assayed from 
prospectively archived maternal serologic specimens drawn during pregnancy. 
These studies revealed associations between offspring with schizophrenia and 
elevated maternal antibody to influenza, rubella, toxoplasma gondii, and herpes 
simplex virus type 2," the authors write.

To investigate whether maternal inflammation during pregnancy is linked to 
schizophrenia in offspring, the researchers examined C-reactive protein levels 
in prospectively collected and archived serum samples of pregnant women and 
validated offspring diagnoses from all schizophrenia cases in Finland via 
national registries.

They point out that "to our knowledge no previous study has examined maternal 
C-reactive protein in relation to schizophrenia in offspring...."

A total of 777 schizophrenia patients (schizophrenia, n = 630; schizoaffective 
disorder, n = 147) with maternal serum samples were identified and matched to 
777 control persons.

Results revealed that increasing maternal C-reactive protein levels, classified 
as a continuous variable, were significantly associated with schizophrenia in 
offspring (adjusted odds ratio, 1.31; 95% confidence interval, 1.10 - 1.56) and 
that the risk remained significant after adjusting for potential confounders.

Overall, the median maternal C-reactive protein level for case patients was 
2.47 mg/L. The median level for control individuals was 2.17 mg/L.

The investigators found that for every 1 mg/L increase in maternal C-reactive 
protein, the risk for schizophrenia was increased by 28%.

Although the precise mechanism is not known, the investigators speculate that 
"maternal inflammation during pregnancy may 'prime' the brain to broadly 
increase the risk for the later development of different types of psychiatric 

They note that their previous research in this same Finnish national birth 
cohort "demonstrated a significant increase in maternal C-reactive protein 
levels in pregnancies that gave rise to childhood autism."

Clinical Implications for Psychiatrists Too

At first glance, they note, protecting women from infection and stress might 
seem to be "beyond the province of most psychiatrists. Indeed, infection during 
pregnancy is an increasing concern of obstetricians, since recent evidence 
indicates that pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to certain 
infections."In an accompanying 
editorial<>, Mary 
Cannon, MD, PhD, and colleagues from the Departments of Psychiatry and 
Psychology, Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland, emphasize that the 
findings are clinically relevant for all clinicians managing pregnant women, 
including psychiatrists.

"Nevertheless," they add, "stress management, and treatment of depression and 
 does encompass the responsibilities of psychiatrists who work with pregnant 
women. Comprehensive psychiatric and psychological treatment for expectant 
mothers, as well as physical monitoring, would now seem indicated not only for 
the health of the mother but also to thereby decrease the longer-term risk for 
mental illness in her child."

The authors and editorialists report no relevant financial relationships.

Am J Psychiatry. 2014;171:960-968, 901-905. 

Carol DeVolder, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
St. Ambrose University
518 West Locust Street
Davenport, Iowa  52803


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