I’m hoping that reading the paper would point out misattribution of arousal as 
the likely reason some men interpret physiological arousal as revulsion towards 
homosexual behavior rather than attraction.

Paul C Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Psychology
Frostburg State University

On Mar 3, 2015, at 6:08 PM, Beth Benoit 
<beth.ben...@gmail.com<mailto:beth.ben...@gmail.com>> wrote:

That's nothin'!  (So to speak.)

When I teach Human Sexuality, a study that always garners a lot of interest 
(and hopefully is remembered) is one done at University of Georgia which 
hypothesizes that men who are homophobic demonstrate sexual arousal when 
viewing homosexual pornography.  (And so, can we conclude that men who are 
homophobes are actually hiding their homosexual proclivities?)

I still haven't figured out how they got these guys to participate.  It was 
portrayed rather graphically (no surprise:  it was an HBO production) in a 
documentary called "Middle Sexes:  Redefining He and She."

Here's a link to the verrrry interesting study:


Beth Benoit
Plymouth State University
Plymouth NH

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:35 PM, Mike Palij <m...@nyu.edu<mailto:m...@nyu.edu>> 
On Tue, 03 Mar 2015 14:09:16 -0800, Carol DeVolder wrote:
OMG---when I first read the abstract I thought the measurements
were in inches. I was stunned. Conclude what you will...

I conclude:

(1) You're not Canadian. ;-)

(2) Most males who made the same reading error are probably
experiencing a severe episode of penile dysmorphic disorder
and can't get the phrase "micro-penis" out of their head.

(3) A couple of males who made the reading error are thinking
"Hey, I'm just average!" ;-)

I won't begin to imagine what female Tipsters thought when
they made the reading error.  However, I suppose they might
be asking "where did they get these participants?" ;-)

-Mike Palij
New York University

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Mike Palij <m...@nyu.edu<mailto:m...@nyu.edu>> 

A new research study/meta-analysis of, uh, y'know length, indicates
that the "normal" length is likely less than what most think.  The research
was published in the journal -- I kid you not -- BJU International,
a Wiley journal.  For those who are curious, see:

The results section of the abstract make interesting reading but
probably only if one is fluent in the metric system; quoting:

|Nomograms for flaccid pendulous [n = 10 704, mean (sd) 9.16 (1.57) cm]
|and stretched length [n = 14 160, mean (sd) 13.24 (1.89) cm], erect length
|[n = 692, mean (sd) 13.12 (1.66) cm], flaccid circumference [n = 9407,
|mean (sd) 9.31 (0.90) cm], and erect circumference [n = 381, mean (sd)
|11.66 (1.10) cm] were constructed. Consistent and strongest significant
|correlation was between flaccid stretched or erect length and height,
|which ranged from r = 0.2 to 0.6. Limitations: relatively few erect
|measurements were conducted in a clinical setting and the greatest
|variability between studies was seen with flaccid stretched length.

I'm sure that some Tipsters will be able to work in the above into their
statistics classes. Possibly for the most interesting use of means and
standard deviations.  There are a number of correlations reported
between you-know-what and other body parts/variables but they
are not consistent (sorry guys with big feet), but, clearly, more research
needs to be done.

Of course, such momentous results have caught the eye of the
mass media and interest is rising.  See for example, the
UK's Guardian:
or the Times of India
and, for the metrically challenged, HuffPo:

Now, if anyone has taught a Sexuality and Behavior course, I think they
won't be too surprised by these results.  However, anyone who gets
their knowledge about other guys junk from porno will probably be

Women, of course, know better, as Maria Muldaur has noted:

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S. And remember: if it ain't in the hips, it better be in the lips. ;-)

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