Some editors apparently don't think so.   See:

A couple of points:
(1)  Which well-known Tipster is asked about this case?
(Hint: It ain't me ;-)

(2) Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that it doesn't involve
an article in psychology but one in the "hard" sciences. ;-)

NOTE:  Has anyone else developed concerns that Mr T and
his posse's promotion of "fake news" is expanding to "fake
science" (global warming has already been attacked but I am
now referring to ALL science, that is, supporting an anti-science
view) and places like Retraction Watch might be used as evidence
that science is fake one should rely on "" instead?
It would seem that rationality itself is under attack and critical
thinking has either failed or Mr T's fans never learned it (i.e.,
those that never went to college but doesn't high school provide
a basis to critical thinking?).

Then again, people in the "Academy" may also be to blame
with the promotion of positions like "post-modernism".  On another
list that I'm on this idea was briefly considered but I would suggest
that one look at the following article how it might operate
especially in certain religious contexts that claims "special knowledge"
about the world.  See:

Best wishes and hope for a quick recovery to everyone,
Tipsters or not, to people affected by hurricane Harvey.
NYC is still getting over the effects of Super Storm Sandy.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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