Well, maybe it isn't ad prestigious as being listed in the new phone book
but Clarivate (the company that took over Web of Science and related
research citation databases and servies) has put out the most cited
researchers in 21 fields --- these constitute the top 1% of the most
cited researchers.  Unfortunately, the Clarivate people lump researchers
in psychiatry and psychology into one group and they treat neuroscience
as a separate group, so it makes it difficult to easily identify
Anyway, one popular media source on the Clarivate report/dataset (it
is available as a CSV file on their website) is from the London Times
Higher Education pub; see:

Much is made of China's progress.  For the 2017 list of all researchers

At the bottom of the page there is a link to a page that contains the 2017
list in CSV form as well as the last several years lists.

For the 2017 list, the only names among psychollogists the I readily
recognize is John T Cacioppo and Brian A Nosek.  There are other
psychologists but I will let others point them out.  I recognize some
of the psychiatrists (e.g., Jeffrey Lieberman) but they're stinkin' M.D.s
so who cares, right? ;-)  Interestingly Eric Kandel is not listed, not even
in the "Neuroscience and behavior" list.  There is also a "Social Sciences,
General" group that may contain some psychologists.

Unfortunately, the CSV file only contains the researcher's name,
affiliation, and website if one is provided and does not provide the
number of citations or other useful information but this may be
available elsewhere.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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