Dear Carol,

You mentioned perhaps giving your students an inventory.

Here is a link to the 10-item Gosling test for the Big 5.

It has the test, scoring, male and female norms (in means and SDs) and 

It is free and open for use.

You might be able to make a little class activity out of this.

For example, get each person to self-rate themselves on the five traits.
Compare this with how they scores on the test.

Another site is the free, open access International Personality Item Pool 


                                   "Floreat Labore"

            "Recti cultus pectora roborant"

Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,     Phone: 819 822 9600 x 2402
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From: Carol DeVolder []
Sent: November-28-17 4:30 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Need assistance with Personality Theories course

Dear Tipsters,
I have inherited the final weeks of an upper-level undergraduate personality 
theories course due to a colleague's unexpected departure. I have no materials 
for the class and very little to go by in terms of grading rubrics. I find that 
I am expected to evaluate student presentations on various theorists as part of 
their grade as well as finish off the semester as best I see fit. The former 
instructor assigned presentations to groups of students and those presentations 
were to take up the remainder of the semester. I sat in on the past few 
presentations, but a few were done before I took over--I am trying for 
consistency, but not sure I can attain it. The problem (at least one problem) 
is that I have two classes next week that do not have any assigned readings or 
presentations. In other words, they've gone through the whole darned book and I 
don't know what to talk to them about. Does anyone have anything they can share 
with respect to general presentation rubrics (I don't assign group 
presentations, so I don't have any from other classes), and any activities I 
might do with the students that would put their knowledge (such as it is) to 
use? For example, does anyone have an in-class activity that addresses things 
like personality inventories? I'm completely overwhelmed and at a loss, so any 
help would be appreciated.

Carol DeVolder, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
St. Ambrose University
518 West Locust Street
Davenport, Iowa  52803


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