Pat Cohen, first a student of Jack Cohen and later his wife, has died.
She spent much of her career in the Biometrics division in New York
State Psychiiatric Institute (NYSPI or just PI among locals).  In addition
to being co-author of the Cohen & Cohen multiple regression text, she
will also be remembered for the longitudinal study of children known as the
"Children in Community Study" which is described in detail in her
NY Times obituary; see:

On a side note, in today's social climate, Pat and Jack's relationship
would probably be frowned upon by NYU admin and others but their
relationship was comparable to others, like that of J.J. Gibson and
Eleanor Gibson (one might want to include Marty Seligman and his
present wife or maybe not).  I raise this point only because starting
in January of 2018 employees of NYU, including faculty, were required
to take an online tutorial on sexual harassment which included a section
on why "dual relationships" a la APA were bad, m'kay?  After finishing
the tutorial, I thought back about all of the NYU faculty I knew who would
have problems because of dual-relationships, include a couple who became
deans.  Times have changed.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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