
On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 14:51:43 +0000
Vasilis Vlachoudis <vasilis.vlachou...@cern.ch> wrote:

> Thanks! I was looking the code dialog.tcl and normally it should work
> since there is a "transient" command. I don't understand why it doesn't
> work.

"Transient" means here, that the window is always above its parent in the
WM's stacking order. You can see this when you open such a dialog box and
move it over the parent (if it's not already there) and then click into
the parent window: the transient dialog will nontheless stay on top.
This however has nothing to do with the coordinates where the window is
placed on the screen. The relevant part for the latter in dialog.tcl is
this, most interesting the comments (here at line 148):

    # 6. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
    # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
    # display (Motif style) and de-iconify it.

    ::tk::PlaceWindow $w 
    tkwait visibility $w

Best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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