
Add this line


immediately after

self.greenButton.configure(text="Loading",state="disabled", background="green")

Does this give you the expected behavior ?

If yes, you need to read up on Event processing in Tkinter.

Here's a good article that explains it:



On 2/3/18, John Sampson via Tkinter-discuss <tkinter-discuss@python.org> wrote:
> I have a method in in which I have the line:
> self.greenButton.configure(text="Loading",state="disabled",
> background="green")
> followed by other lines.
> Being a complete newbie, I would expect the green button to start
> showing the text "Loading" before execution of the lines following the
> abovementioned line.
> But it does so immediately afterwards.
> I am not looking for a direct solution, but this shows that I do not
> understand how to write tkinter code involving buttons. Is there a
> simple explanation how to
> go about writing code so as to make things happen, either at all, or
> when I want them to happen?
> Regards
> John Sampson
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