> What's this magic called winkeyer?

That (or something similar) is what W1EL calls it. If I recall rightly, it 
consists of a PIC micro-controller that produces dots and dashes from 
paddles. In addition, the keyer connects to the PC, from which it receives 
ASCII to be transmitted as CW.

The PC can tell the keyer to speed up or slow down using (escaped) commands. 
Also, the keyer sends back status messages, so the PC knows what's being 

From memory, the keyer has some refinements. It can extend the leading 
dot/dash to compensate for amplifier key-up delay. This is a good idea, 
because amps with mechanical relays (with tunsten contacts ;-) can take up to 
30 ms to come in-line, and that's more than enough to stuff up the leading 

As far as I can tell, the only thing the keyer has in common with 'windows' is 
the closed sources. I believe the command/status protocol is published.

> Is it affordable?

Last time I looked the keyer kit was pretty reasonable.

> Is this what the "hot shots" are using?  

Well, Rein's got one :-)
No doubt using a hardware keyer takes considerable load off the CPU. And you 
can use VOX with slow amps and not truncate the first character. So I guess 
it would be useful at multi-op stations.

Having said that, at pop-gun ZL6QH we've always used software keyers (DOS CT, 
and later Writelog/Win98) and there have never been reported problems with 
hiccups or dropouts in the CW at contest speeds of 28-34 WPM.

Wilbert, ZL2BSJ

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