* On 2018 25 Sep 09:55 -0500, Eric Tamme wrote:
> I just tested using Xterm, and the issue does not occur.  I would like to be
> able to use gnome-terminal if possible though.  Have you got any suggestions 
> on
> how I might go about getting that figured out?

Hi Eric.

I would recommend using xterm since it doesn't trap the F11 key, for
example.  I use uxterm (xterm with unicode support) with a custom
~/.Xresources which I have attached.  I have defined xterm colors that
work well with Tlf for me.  Also, be aware that other terminals often
trap other keyboard sequences used by Tlf.

Another thing is that xterm and ncurses (the UI toolkit Tlf uses) have
the same maintainer so they work well together.

73, Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

Web: http://www.n0nb.us  GPG key: D55A8819  GitHub: N0NB
Xcursor*theme: DMZ-White

!xterm*font:     *-fixed-*-*-*-20-*
!xterm*font:     10x20
xterm*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono:size=18:antialias=false
XTerm*allowBoldFonts: true
!*VT100*color3: yellow4
!*VT100*color7: gray60

! terminal colors ------------------------------------------------------------

! Linux terminal scheme
xterm*background: #000000
xterm*foreground: #c0c0c0
! Black + DarkGrey
xterm*color0:  #000000
!*color8:  #555555
xterm*color8:  #808080
! DarkRed + Red
!*color1:  #aa0000
xterm*color1:  #800000
!*color9:  #ff5555
xterm*color9:  #ff0000
! DarkGreen + Green
!*color2:  #00aa00
xterm*color2:  #008000
!*color10: #55ff55
xterm*color10: #00ff00
! Brown + Yellow
!*color3:  #aa5500
xterm*color3:  #808000
!*color11: #ffff55
xterm*color11: #ffff00
! DarkBlue + Blue
!*color4:  #0000aa
xterm*color4:  #000080
!*color12: #5555ff
xterm*color12: #0000ff
! DarkMagenta + Magenta
!*color5:  #aa00aa
xterm*color5:  #800080
!*color13: #ff55ff
xterm*color13: #ff00ff
!DarkCyan + Cyan
!*color6:  #00aaaa
xterm*color6:  #008080
!*color14: #55ffff
xterm*color14: #00ffff
! LightGrey + White
!*color7:  #aaaaaa
xterm*color7:  #c0c0c0
xterm*color15: #ffffff

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