Hi Zoli, Hi Lukasz,

how about adding it to the FAQ?

73, de Tom

Am Mon, 1 Nov 2021 08:11:48 +0100
schrieb Csahok Zoltan <ha5...@gmx.com>:

> Hi Lukasz,
> Even though Tlf can be started without rig control but some of its
> functionality will be limited as you have exprienced it.
> To overcome this you can use rigctld in dummy mode.
> Here is how:
>     1) start rigctld for Dummy radio (ignore the warnings)
>         $ rigctld -m 1 &
>     2) check if it works by reading freq and mode (default is 2m FM)
>         $ rigctl -m 2 f m
>         145000000
>         FM
>         15000
>     3) set your real radio's freq+mode for dummy rigctld (freq unit
> is Hz) $ rigctl -m 2 F 21200000 M USB 0
>     4) configure Tlf to use rigctld
>         RIGMODEL=2
>         RIGPORT=
>     5) from Tlf freq can be changed either by
>         a) Ctrl-F or
>         b) direct freq entry on call field: enter a kHz value (no
> fraction, e.g. 21195) as call and press enter or
>         c) moving around on bandmap by Ctrl-G (grab) / Ctrl-V
> (direction).
> Hope this helps.
> 73,
> Zoli
> On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 07:17:15PM +0100, Lukasz Olszewski wrote:
> >    Hi,
> >    I apologise if this is a trivial question, but I've read the man
> > page multiple times and I cannot figure out how to move the bandmap
> > display. I have no rig control. My frequency is simply logged as
> > 15m for example. Today I was on 15m and the bandmap window was
> > showing spots from 21.200 to 21.300. I needed to see ones below
> > 21.200. I tried ctrl-f (it did nothing.
> >    - probably because it requires rig control).
> >    However, somehow later the bandmap shifted to display range
> > 21.100 to 21.200 just when I needed 21.200~21.300...
> >    Can someone help me, please by telling me how to navigate the
> > bandmap window?
> >    Many thanks, 
> >    Lukasz   

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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