Press underscore _ is the thing to do.

I haven't figured out how to configure this though. It always sends 5NN serial even if the exchange is more complicated, eg 5NN serial name.

On 21 May 2022 20:31:36 Koos van den Hout PE4KH <> wrote:

I am doing a bit of search & pounce in the king of spain dx contest. So
with enter sends message I 'close' the contact with my 5NN + serial. And
tlf jumps to the next contact.

I get a request for a retransmission (NR?) so I hit the key for '5NN #'
which sent the next serial number, leading to some confusion.

Is there a way to make tlf send the 'previous' serial number in S&P mode
on a completely empty callsign field?

Koos PE4KH

Amateur station PE4KH

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