Dear all,
I got an excellent article about role in promoting safety. 
Maybe these ideas can implement at your site . 
Should there be anything to discuss, please let me know
Best Regards,


> 1:  Your Role in Promoting Safety
> Security supervisors often find themselves wearing an additional hat -
> that
> of safety manager. Even if you aren't playing a dual managerial role, you
> probably are expected to play an active role on your facility's safety
> team
> or committee. The ultimate goal of such committees is keeping workers
> safe,
> but the specifics of how you're going to achieve that may not always be
> apparent, especially when your specialty is Security.
> When you are asked to join a safety committee, there are a number of
> things
> you can do to play an active role:
> **  Build relationships. Talk with other members of the committee or with
> the safety manager in your building.
> **  Declare your commitment. Let the team or manager know that you
> consider
> safety a critical workplace component and that you will do your part to
> make the facility safe.
> **  Make safety a priority. Conflicts can develop with other departments
> when dangerous conditions and practices that need to be changed run smack
> into the need to get things done. Work together to resolve such conflicts,
> keeping safety as the ultimate goal.
> **  Keep an open-door policy. You and other members of the safety team
> should be available to...
>      - Listen to employees' concerns about safety
>      - Coach employees and each other in appropriate safety techniques
>      - Provide relevant safety information that may affect other
> departments
> **  Conduct a safety audit. When you become a safety committee member,
> take
> a facility tour with other committee members. During this tour, conduct a
> safety audit of the facility.
> ------The Audit------
> The purpose of a team audit is to offer fresh perspectives. There may be
> safety violations you or your guards come across in daily patrols that you
> hadn't been aware of until joining the safety team. The audit helps the
> committee focus on areas in the building that need improvement. It should
> include these areas:
> 1.  Hazard Identification. The following physical hazards are all factors
> that can lead to unsafe actions on the part of company employees:
>      * Blocked exits and exit signs that aren't visible
>      * Unsafe floor conditions
>      * Unsafe storage areas
>      * Poor lighting
>      * Poor housekeeping
>      * Excessive heat and noise levels
>      * Offensive odors
> Also plan on spending some time just observing things that have an impact
> on safety. Make note of such things as...
>      * The rate at which people are working. Is it too fast to be safe?
>      * The range of motion being used. Is it likely to cause injury?
>      * The use of appropriate personal protective equipment. Is it in
> place
> and in good condition?
>      * Adherence to safety rules. Is it constant and consistent?
> 2.  Hazard Documentation. When conducting an audit, supplement your
> note-taking with a video record. Replay the tape later so that the safety
> committee can revisit the problems, discuss what conditions were present,
> and determine what changes need to occur.
> 3.  Hazard Correction. It's not enough to simply identify hazards and then
> create a to-do list that gets stuffed in a file drawer and forgotten.
> Correcting the hazards you identify is the key point of the audit process.
> For example, if you discover unsafe behaviors during the audit (such as
> failure to stack materials appropriately), that may signal a need for
> refresher training in some departments. If you discover unsafe conditions
> or physical hazards such as clutter in the aisles, you may be able to
> immediately correct them or request that the proper department correct the
> problem.
> Above all, make sure that those responsible for making the corrections are
> clearly identified and that the tasks have sufficient priority to ensure
> that they'll be completed in a timely manner. Then, as benchmark dates get
> closer, check on progress. When items are corrected and can be taken off
> the list, acknowledge those departments.
> 4.  Follow-up. Once an issue has been corrected, the committee should
> periodically revisit it. If it has returned to its previous, unsafe state,
> more concerted action is necessary.
> ------Training------
> Becoming a safety committee member gives you a new perspective on keeping
> the entire facility safe and secure. You can use this knowledge to enhance
> training of newcomers to your department.
> When you conduct orientation sessions for security guards and officers, be
> sure to include a section on safety. Often it will overlap with security
> procedures, such as emergency evacuations and fire protection. If you're
> in
> a manufacturing plant, there are also safety issues security personnel
> should at least be made aware of, such as the meanings of safety signs,
> tags, and labels; equipment safety; and personal protective equipment.
> Safety is not a project that begins and ends with a committee meeting and
> an audit. It's a continuous cycle, and all departments should be conscious
> of it. Taking this approach improves safety and performance throughout the
> company.

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