> On Sep 24, 2015, at 7:40 AM, Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have to wonder if it’s worth it. In the last decade bandwidth has 
>> increased and prices for networking have gone down much faster than CPU 
>> speeds. 10 years ago having 1 Mbps at home was  the highest-end broadband 
>> you could get. Now you routinely get 100x that. CPU has increased, but 
>> nowhere near that. This makes compression less desirable, to the point that 
>> people did not complain much when browser vendors removed compression 
>> following the CRIME attacks. True, the rise of mobile brought back limited 
>> bandwidth, but is this really an issue?
> I don't think using bandwidth as a factor is a good idea.
> On other lists I still see the occasional quip about suffering a low
> bandwidth connection. It used to be folks in some European countries,
> but most recently I seem to recall South American. (I think we're
> seeing the shift because South American countries are going places
> American and Europeans have already been with respect to
> infrastructure).

At some point the countries with the least developed infrastructure eventually 
go through some government-led project to improve infrastructure, and that 
makes them leapfrog most other countries just because all their infrastructure 
is suddenly new. It happened in South Korea 15 years ago, and it’s happening in 
many African countries now. I don’t think we should burden a security protocol 
with a problematic mode based on a perceived need that might evaporate in a 
couple of years. Deploying high bandwidth is even faster now that you can make 
the last mile wireless rather than running copper or fiber to individual homes.

> In the rural US, I understand low bandwidth is the norm. Those folks
> can't get companies like Verizon or Comcast to service them due to
> population density. Its just not profitable for the providers to
> update the infrastructure. Also see
> https://www.google.com/search?q=rural+us+high+speed+internet.

That supports my point.  To quote one of the top results from that search (the 
first one that was not an ad):

        "53 percent of rural Americans have no access to high-speed Internet, 
which he defined as capable of downloading content at 25 megabits per second.”

15 years ago, having “no access to high-speed Internet” meant having just 
56Kbps dial-up modem. 10 years ago it meant not having access to 0.5 Mbps 
broadband. The bar is now significantly higher. And you don’t usually need 25 
Mbps for NNTP, although the last time I actually used NNTP was over a 56Kbps 

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