> On Oct 4, 2015, at 1:44 AM, takamichi saito <sa...@cs.meiji.ac.jp> wrote:
> On 2015/10/03, at 0:24, Salz, Rich wrote:
>>> 1) We know CRIME threat, but it can not be risk for everyone.
>>> e.g., CVSS v2 Base Score: 2.6 (LOW)
>> CVSS isn't always appropriate; CVSS2 called Heartbleed a 5; CVS v3 called it 
>> 7.5
> We know it, but one of indicators.
> How can you say the dangerous or risk instead of it? 
> My point is, CRIME is risk for every case?  

I don’t know. Probably not. 

But consider that we had been using HTTP with TLS for over 15 years before we 
found out about CRIME. It’s a subtle attack that relies on specific structures 
in HTTP and the peculiar way that browsers allow a script from one site to 
issue requests on behalf of another site. But still, it took researches all 
these years to find it. 

There are many lessons to be learned from this: that a bearer token that is 
repeated many times is not a good idea; that the trust model in the web is not 
great; but also that blindly compressing content with no regard to its 
structure and sources is dangerous and reveals information about the cleartext. 
 A security protocol should not do that. 

An even more executive-level lesson might be that security layers should not 
provide non-security services, but that is not really convincing because if 
there was a separate compression layer that you could compose with the security 
layer in TLS, CRIME would still be possible. To compress HTTP without the 
danger of CRIME you need to either not compress header fields with sensitive 
information, not compress header fields that might be controlled by an 
attacker, or at least delegate those to a separate compression state. That is 
not something that any transport layer shim can provide.


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