On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 10:45 PM, Dan Harkins <dhark...@lounge.org> wrote:

> What?!? How is that "better"? Having a "keychain" that loops in some
> vague "secure enclave" that makes authorization decisions based on some
> app deriving a "strong master secret from a weak password/pin" sounds
> complicated

Matt Green: https://twitter.com/matthew_d_green/status/699777680728842240
Apple: https://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf (see
also: Matt Green)

Hardware interlocks around authentication allow various anti-brute force,
exponential backoff, and device wiping security measures. They also allow
you to unlock a "full entropy" cryptographic key with some low entropy
mechanism like a PIN without the former being deterministically derived
from the latter.

I personally believe the future of authentication is having a weak
credential which unlocks a strong credential on something you have. This
approach to authentication is generally described as "something you have
and something you know"

Tony Arcieri
TLS mailing list

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