On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Andrei Popov <andrei.po...@microsoft.com>

> IMHO what we have is a facility in TLS 1.3 that:
> 1. Requires extraordinary effort on the server side to mitigate replay
> (for all but the smallest deployments);
> 2. Offers no way for the client to determine whether the server is
> mitigating replay (before replay becomes possible);

I'm less worried about these problems. There's a nice property that the
operators of large deployments tend to also be technically sophisticated. I
don't think we'll have a problem implementing a single use cache, strike
register, we have similar systems for other services, at higher volumes.
It's a cost of being big, and that's ok.

It will be possible to tell whether a service permits replays; by trying
them. If the service permits them, that's a pretty clear CVE, and the usual
incentives work as well as they usually do.

> 3. Is trivial to enable on the client and improves connection latency;
> 4. Eliminates a nonce that other protocols (used to) rely on.
> While it is true that there are cases where this facility is beneficial,
> there is no doubt that it will be widely misused, in both applications and
> protocols.

This doesn't need to be an anchor around the neck of the whole feature.
0-RTT is still an awesome speed benefit - if servers prevent replays, I
think we have a very good balance.

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