
The email seems to be missing some text that was in the etherpad (or
reordered maybe), so here it is again:

IETF99 TLS WG 2nd session (19-July-2017)

(all errors are JLH's)


Exported Authenticators (EKR)

draft 21, hopefully close

WGLC #2 ended yesterday

Changes since -19

shorten HKDF labels

make post-handshake auth imp option

add per-ticket nonce, each ticket is assoc. w/ new PSK

new section 0-RTT anti-replay

Mandatory anti-replay (PR# 1059)

requires some bounded mechanism, but no specific technique

Should we adopt this? Any objections?

MT: every instance has to ensure that it only accepts the same 0-RTT
once... which means an unbounded state problem

EKR: imp in NSS would guarantee "as 0-RTT"

... "you must accept 0-RTT data once"

MT: We've got a window, only accept in that window, no guarantee either.

(No objections)

PR# 1053: Hashes that aren't hashes

HKDF-Expand-Label included a hash function that occasionally is not a hash.

essentially, SHA156(empty string) passed frequently to something else.

Probably worth saying "you can pass a null value, and not pass a hash"

EKR: any opinions?

MT: noticed while doing vectors draft, we do this once every
handshake. I don't care.

EKR: there are two places that it can happen.

MT: still, I could care less.

Hannes: doesn't make sense to change since people have implemented like this.

RLB: I agree with MT and Hannes. Like the current mechanism, can opt
with table of hash values.

Placeholder: NAT/Middleboxes

TLS 1.3 starting to show increased connection failure rates.

hard to meausre but 1-10%

Problem seems to be middleboxen

proposals are either make connection look more or less like TLS 1.2

Joe S: when will experiments complete?

EKR: depends on what we see. Will have data relatively soon, 4-8
weeks. Takes a while to get into a release... but nightlies and betas
give some indication of if it will work.

draft-ietf-tls-dnssec-chain-exstension (Melinda Shore)

completed WGLC on this draft.

excellent feedback so far.

(melinda summarizes changes)

record ordering (server canonicalization, yes or no?) No one came to mic.

use of _udp label for QUIC

Ted Hardie: reading of the draft is that UDP label used for DTLS and QUIC.

...: you might have two different TLSA records, one for DTLS and one
for QUIC. Maybe call it _quic?

Paul Woters: want to make sure we don't create a new plaintext reference

tell client imps how to handle unexpected/irrelevant/extraneous records?

Joe: we'll close on these remaining issues before reving the draft.

DTLS 1.3 (EKR)

first mentions something about exported authenticators:

certificate type extension goes in server [something] message.

odd thing is can have EE X.509 extension [somewhere] which is nuts.

Suggest we maintain the property where I change the entry in the table
and [something]

Trying to keep 1.2 functionality.

Reminder: ACKs

implicit ACKs historically.

interacts badly with some TLS 1.3 features (like NST)

Solution: intro an explicit ACK

current proposal: SACK

kind of ripping off the QUIC structure.

MT: other thing with it being a handshake message is that it adds to
the transcript record and that gets weird.

When should receivers ACK

supposed to ACK when you're not moving the state machine forward, when
messages might have gotten lost, not for non-handshake messages

If anyone thinks this is a bad strategy, please speak up.

Joe S: how many people have had a chance to look at this? Not too many.

Janardhan Igengar: would be nice if this is not too complicated.

Reduced Header Format

MT: we currently have range between 20-64 reserved for us in this
demux thing. We only use the lower half of the 20s... this uses the
upper half of that range from 32 onwards. Can use that entire space
and allows good distinguishing. Don't see us using too much more
content types.

EKR: essentially the point of doing something different would be to
have much longer sequence bits.

MT: not sure I've convinced Ian Swette [sp?]

SPT: thing about this is that the IoT will think we ned to make this
smaller... this seems about as small as you can get to.

MT: one optimization we could make in addition, would be to remove the length.

EKR: but that would make the ACK'ing problematic (?)

MT: other way to do that is to do some internal framing... "I've got
an ACK and some other stuff in here"

... real challenge here are the cases when you're changing keys. would
need internal lengths for those content types.

Connection IDs

have spent an enormous amount of time on this.

things behind NATs have problems rebinding.

also a serious privacy problem, none of the proposals I've seen are
adequate let alone completely baked.

huge problem in the browser context, not so much in the mobile context.

proposal for DTLS is to kind of punt: have an optional but fixed
Connection ID. Doesn't change across the connection.

We can add a new extension to negotiate functionality. Best scaling
involves passing a token for each connection, yucky.

(EKR shows a proposal for a Connection ID extension)

IDs are used if a client offers and a server answers

Each side *sends* with the other's ID.

Happy to hear objections to this strategy.

Tobias G.: Connection ID is currently a very big problem in IoT space.

lake of entropy space in connection ID... 100k entropy doesn't work
for IoT. need 10^6.

Need this ASAP.

Privacy concern is absolutely correct. Need to be able to reneg the client ID.

EKR: I've proposed reciever sets.

TG: want to avoid collision in the space... if the server controls
that ID, you avoid collisions.

EKR: this design avoids that.

TG: can we do this in 1.3 please?

Hannes: data flows in two directions, similar to IPSEC.

Ted H: how does this impact RTCWeb?

EKR: wouldn't anticipate being able to use this for RTP.

... unaware NAT rebinding typically assumes that one side has an open

EKR: clarify, server picks ID for packets that come to him, client
picks the IDs that come to them.

DKG: two questions: 1) IoT devices are unlikely to be mobile, do we
have evidence for that? Seems like it's also active in things like
vehicles; and 2) looks to me like a field for arbitrary metadata
insertion in each packet and with long lengths, that looks like SPUD
but we're not going to call it SPUD.

EKR: let me make my threat of violence clear, you need to solve it.

Yoav channeling Victor: why is this an assymetric connection ID scheme?

EKR: any symmetric scheme people want to pack the target into the
connection ID. might not want to have a random ID.

MT: whole point of this is to mark packets so the reciever can get
them to the right place.

MT: I think this is enough of an attractive target that I don't want
to see this in DTLS 1.3, want to see that in a separate document...
will address 1.2 as we can hit them at the same time.

EKR: structure of this is that we can easily add as an extension.

MT: if we just do this we don't get the ability to change over time,
important for mobility. makes the arb metadata insertion better to
deal with.

Christian Huitema: we need to do this right and not fast. Quick and
dirty stuff is not going to cut it.

... want to be able to reneg. probably want to make it optional so
it's not in every packet. Want to have a constraint so that we don't
get huge privacy holes.

EKR: what about this? Feel like QUIC got bogged down... proposal that
got the most attention was an unencrypted connection ID. Should we
build a fixed connection ID or something that constantly changes?

EKR can prepare a separate draft for this... may not change 1.2 as that's hard.

Jan I: [could not understand]

Ben Schwarts: in addition to privacy within a connection, if youre a
client trying to keep track of a number of servers, it can be
essentially a counter. May encourage clients to create a
cross-connection... IDs are in a sequential range, these connections
are all the same client. Would be nice to not do that.

EKR: this might require it being longer!

Hannes T: we wouldn't have a problem in IoT case if the NATs wouldn't
exist or do rebinding or if the devices would more frequently send

... vehicles will probably use cellular keeping the connex open.
Always the chance to restart from scratch... connection ID wouldn't
make a difference, need to start DTLS connection over again.

... so sending a big ID is not going to help at all.

DKG (off mic): why have it then?

Hannes: we don't have it!

Tobias G: for these connections, mobile devices are in the use cases
that I see. When you consider reneg, consider that main use case is
devices with power constraints. So every RT etc. is very costly. Not
reneg every time would be good. Would like things that we can tailor,

Would rather have this really soon... problem is out there.

Would strongly urge the chairs to consider for 1.2

Jan I: could we constrain this to a smaller thing...

EKR: any number large enough to be useful will make DKG sad.

MT: any size that is useful, is useful (making the point that it's
useful for good and bad)

SPT: will send an email for when DTLS will drop compared to TLS. Now
is your chance to get to the mic.

Chair interrupt:

First thing: presenters are keeping it short and to the point. Hold
points until after presentation.

Plenty of time for discussion.

Want to address both political and technical topics

The main question: Is this subject something that the WG should
consider? This = "passive decryption of traffic"

What technical solutions are available, becasue the WG gets change
control if adopted.

Impacts of TLS 1.3 on Eneterprise network operation (Steve Fenter,
Matt Green, Russ Housely)

use cases:

wireshark PCAP decrypt

Fraud Monitoring


Malware Detection

Security incident response

Regulatory requirements

Layer 7 DDoS Protection


When problem hits, no one knows where in this universe of 400 boxes
the problem is.

I need packet level visibility in everywhere across these 400 boxes.

a month ago, got a problem in login failures and slowdowns.

sniffer guys called in to swoop in and save the day.

Many other guys getting called with severity 1 problems and need to decrypt

No way to identify the user bc CDN, decrypt the packets to find
user_id or other elements.

one particular URL was giving 10s response time

Tier 2 load balancer, found the same symptom.... etc.

would need 5 proxies here and that doesn't scale... millions of dollars.

endpoint monitoring doesn't work, as you can't do full-scale pcap..
because of NAT etc.

often need decrypted PCAP where there is no endpoint (e.g., firewalls
don't often allow you to terminate)

tl;dr: a particular db call to a small single-threaded access table
was slowing everything down.

If TLS 1.3 rolls out without static DH, severity 1 problems will drag
out for weeks. Severity 2 will take months.

level of pain that enterprises aren't willing or able to handle.

if I have a problem that TLS causes, it's basically a DoS attack. TLS
1.3 is a DoS attack for us.

Matt Green

This is not technically a problem: if you control the endpoints, you
control the secrets.

How do you do this that doesn't harm the protocol?

possible solns:

endpoints being the servers, deliver session keys or MSs through an
OOB channel. But # of keys can be very large.

have to deliver keys in a very timely manner, can't cache over much time

encode keys in band in the TLS protocol.

one option is to use a full extension and then include an in-bad inclusion.

unfortuantely, legacy systems don't include this functionality.

lots of different variants, some of very hard to detec.

Hovav: use DUAL-EC

Endpoints use (semi)-static keys

don't change the protocol, let's do something others can recognize.

No changes to 1.3

Easy to detect

Reduces FS, mitigated by key rotation.

Static DH draft

(Matt describes draft-green)

Security of Static DH

leave aside FS, it is cryptographically secure

FIPS 800-56A talks about using static DH. TLS 1.2 has DHS


easy to have imp flaws.

but easy to not affect most users.

Harm reduction

enterprises don't adopt 1.3, today they're using 1.2 with static RSA.

make some dramatic changes to endpoints to deliver session keys.

some really really bad ideas (won't go into)

Extensions (open to this)

pros: no significant protocol changes, well-understaood crypto, detectability.

Natl Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (Tim Polk)

Sponsor of a related draft.

NCCOE is all about implementation and adoption.

Have been hearing issues with meeting operation reqs for 1.3

Objective is to collab with industry, solve problems and get better
security than we have today.

NCCoE will produce a proof of concept imp and a number of documents...
want to prove that we can tighten up the life span of those keys that
we are sharing in the enterprise.

Would produce an 1800 series practice guide that would say, "if you
want to do what we did in the imp, do this."

would submit an IETF draft that showed what we did, what worked/did
not, here are the key liftetimes that we think we can manage.

Proposal DOES NOT violate the IETF policy on wiretapping (Russ Housely)

RFC 2804 defines wiretapping and this is not that.

Want to get as much TLS nowledge from this WG as possible to produce
as secure a thing as possible.

TINFOIL (Stephen Farrell)

This whole thing is a terrible idea, we shouldn't do it.

Stephen goes through the various arguments listed here:

not in scope for charter

could put TLS/DTLS 1.3 at risk

TLS is hard

1.3 has undergone significant analysis so far, this has not

Static DH is not implementation robust

we have a case where law enforcement has tried to coerce a server
operator to tap at TLS level

should in no way be a standards track document.

breaking TLS is not part of the WG charter.


Question to group: should we document these arguments about breaking TLS?


PHB: agree with both sides. Problem here is coming from the PKI world,
saw what happen to bluecoat and co. We didn't make WebPKI holes for
them, so they blasted holes into it.

on the techincal side, don't like how you're doing it. I'd use a
different DH share every time.

would like to have this such that if this makes it into the wild, it
is not compat with legacy stuff

Paul Woters: want to quote RFC-someting-bis

talking about DH groups 22, 23, 24. 22 is must not. 23 and 24 will be
must not soon, should not now.

Dan Harkins: there is IPR here out here from a past employer.

DKG: want to express disappointment with this draft.

export cipher suites was brought up. As recently as last year we've
had problems with the fact that export cipher suites were standardized
20 years ago.

The first time we see a problem with this might be soon... the last
time we see a problem will be way way in the future.

Rich Salz: (applause)

I am torn between: prof. and personally I think this is not a good
thing. Remember Dave Clarke's talk that we need to tilt the playing
field for things that people use.

would like to see us wait two years for deployment exp. It's
pre-mature. Let's revisit.

Darin Pettis:

We've been here before, part of a large financial organization. We've
ditched RSA, we understand that.

We've explored technical options, and have not find a better way.

Roman from CMU:

didn't see discussion for security uses, esp. DFIR (incident response).

very key to do ad hoc instrumentation and this would help.

[Cisco business security group]:

Don't think security is served by seeing this as a black or white approach.

Reminds me of the old discussion of NATs.

Community is better served by ack'ing this problem and find a way to solve it.

Nalini Elkins:

There are very real problems from real people doing real things.

If you are hearing from real people that there are problems, behooves
us to listen.


this is not the first time we've seen this thing.

2 years ago, proposals strongly made in HTTP.

We chose not to accept that work; reason is that HTTPS is explicitly a
two-party protocol. Did not have a way to get the informed consent
necessary to change the protocol.

You are changing the nature of the protocol pretty fundamentally.

Ted Hardie:

two points: FS is a feature of this protocol. This turns it off in
certain contexts, not obvious to the end users that FS has been
removed. Can't tell in the first connection if a key will be re-used.
Need to have a way with features like this about 1) signal that it's
being used; and 2) get agreements to use it from those communicating.

if it comes back with those changes, what's the domain analysis? Russ
read us section 3 of RFC 2048, but not section 4, that says, "we're
not taking a moral stand, but a technical stand". You MUST expect a
technology to be used in places you might not expect. Analysis must
take into account all of the domains of us.

Max Pala (cable labs):

agree with Stephen.

Most of the time this is a problem if your arch is outdated. No one
will force you to do this... if you do deploy 1.3, should be

Ralph Droms:

Living the dream (laughter)

Want to emphasize keeping separate the fundamental abstract questions
that are being discussed and the particular proposal that is on the
table in this document.

Roland Dobbins:

Want to emphasize being able to troubleshoot and need visibility.

Often this needs to be on the wire.

They may face potential fines and liability if they don't take care of
our information.

We don't want crypto that is proprietary or that is developed in
smoke-filled rooms.

Jeff Hodges:

want to echo ralph and roland and a few other people.

There are enterprise needs here to do this thing.

We want to get to FS in the data center and we need a migration path
that has been scrutinized by experts.

Christian Huitema:

want to support Stephen and Ted: take the Lavabit scenario.

A provider of a service is being compelled to turn on a feature so
that someone can get their traffic.

This approach is very dangerous... you assume that you are using the
same software in both DCs and on a server.

Don't like the feature that this is keeping the wire format unchanged.

We need a "big red flag" requirement so that this is only used in the DC.

Daniel Franke (Akamai):

like draft-00, not draft-01

draft-01 is standards track, not ok

Kenny Patterson:

There is nothing in the current draft that would force the rotation of keys.

suggestion: adopt the draft and force key rotation on each connection.

Sharon Goldberg (BU)

Want to support Stephen.

Not confied to DCs, do not support at all

Deb Cooley (NSA)

I believe if you take the draft here, you control the draft.

if you let this go underground, it will happen silently like what
happened in the past with Static RSA.

Tara Tarikyee (OTF)

add voice to those disappointed in this draft.

there are a lot of people that depend on TLS for the practice of those rights.

Questions the charis want answered (policy)

The main question: Is this subject something that the WG should consider?

this = "passive decryption of data center traffic"

subquestion: Is this wiretapping?

Clarifying questions:

Stephen Farrell: don't believe that passive is correct here,
draft-green allows active attacks. Allows the attacker to be active.

Ralph Droms: separate the solution in the draft from the mechanism.

Stephen: A, your saying your draft is broke.

... not clear to me that there is any solution that allows passive
that doesn't allow active.

DKG: we have considered this question for many weeks.

Lucy Lynch: take a hum first on whether or not the group should accept
the draft and then take a more general hum.

Joe S: "decryption of data in the data center" ommiting the word "passive"

Hums: No clarity whatsoever. Seemed pretty even.

Stephen: want to take it to the list as to if the WG is interested in
documenting reasons to not break TLS.

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 5:59 AM, Joseph Lorenzo Hall <j...@cdt.org> wrote:
> are here and copied below (apologies for HTML, pad will disappear in 30
> days):
> https://pad.riseup.net/p/kZYK9HuZf85C
> IETF99 TLS WG 2nd session (19-July-2017)
> (all errors are JLH's)
> Agenda/Administrivia
> Exported Authenticators (EKR)
> draft 21, hopefully close
> WGLC #2 ended yesterday
> Changes since -19
> shorten HKDF labels
> make post-handshake auth imp option
> add per-ticket nonce, each ticket is assoc. w/ new PSK
> new section 0-RTT anti-replay
> Mandatory anti-replay (PR# 1059)
> requires some bounded mechanism, but no specific technique
> Should we adopt this? Any objections?
> MT: every instance has to ensure that it only accepts the same 0-RTT once...
> which means an unbounded state problem
> EKR: imp in NSS would guarantee "as 0-RTT"
> ... "you must accept 0-RTT data once"
> MT: We've got a window, only accept in that window, no guarantee either.
> (No objections)
> PR# 1053: Hashes that aren't hashes
> HKDF-Expand-Label included a hash function that occasionally is not a hash.
> essentially, SHA156(empty string) passed frequently to something else.
> Probably worth saying "you can pass a null value, and not pass a hash"
> EKR: any opinions?
> MT: noticed while doing vectors draft, we do this once every handshake. I
> don't care.
> EKR: there are two places that it can happen.
> MT: still, I could care less.
> Hannes: doesn't make sense to change since people have implemented like
> this.
> RLB: I agree with MT and Hannes. Like the current mechanism, can opt with
> table of hash values.
> Placeholder: NAT/Middleboxes
> TLS 1.3 starting to show increased connection failure rates.
> hard to meausre but 1-10%
> Problem seems to be middleboxen
> proposals are either make connection look more or less like TLS 1.2
> Joe S: when will experiments complete?
> EKR: depends on what we see. Will have data relatively soon, 4-8 weeks.
> Takes a while to get into a release... but nightlies and betas give some
> indication of if it will work.
> draft-ietf-tls-dnssec-chain-exstension (Melinda Shore)
> completed WGLC on this draft.
> (https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/99/slides/slides-99-tls-sessb-dnssec-chain-validation-00.pdf)
> excellent feedback so far.
> (melinda summarizes changes)
> record ordering (server canonicalization, yes or no?) No one came to mic.
> use of _udp label for QUIC
> Ted Hardie: reading of the draft is that UDP label used for DTLS and QUIC.
> ...: you might have two different TLSA records, one for DTLS and one for
> QUIC. Maybe call it _quic?
> Paul Woters: want to make sure we don't create a new plaintext reference
> tell client imps how to handle unexpected/irrelevant/extraneous records?
> Joe: we'll close on these remaining issues before reving the draft.
> DTLS 1.3 (EKR)
> first mentions something about exported authenticators:
> certificate type extension goes in server [something] message.
> odd thing is can have EE X.509 extension [somewhere] which is nuts.
> Suggest we maintain the property where I change the entry in the table and
> [something]
> Trying to keep 1.2 functionality.
> Reminder: ACKs
> implicit ACKs historically.
> interacts badly with some TLS 1.3 features (like NST)
> Solution: intro an explicit ACK
> current proposal: SACK
> kind of ripping off the QUIC structure.
> MT: other thing with it being a handshake message is that it adds to the
> transcript record and that gets weird.
> When should receivers ACK
> supposed to ACK when you're not moving the state machine forward, when
> messages might have gotten lost, not for non-handshake messages
> If anyone thinks this is a bad strategy, please speak up.
> Joe S: how many people have had a chance to look at this? Not too many.
> Janardhan Igengar: would be nice if this is not too complicated.
> Reduced Header Format
> MT: we currently have range between 20-64 reserved for us in this demux
> thing. We only use the lower half of the 20s... this uses the upper half of
> that range from 32 onwards. Can use that entire space and allows good
> distinguishing. Don't see us using too much more content types.
> EKR: essentially the point of doing something different would be to have
> much longer sequence bits.
> MT: not sure I've convinced Ian Swette [sp?]
> SPT: thing about this is that the IoT will think we ned to make this
> smaller... this seems about as small as you can get to.
> MT: one optimization we could make in addition, would be to remove the
> length.
> EKR: but that would make the ACK'ing problematic (?)
> MT: other way to do that is to do some internal framing... "I've got an ACK
> and some other stuff in here"
> ... real challenge here are the cases when you're changing keys. would need
> internal lengths for those content types.
> Connection IDs
> have spent an enormous amount of time on this.
> things behind NATs have problems rebinding.
> also a serious privacy problem, none of the proposals I've seen are adequate
> let alone completely baked.
> huge problem in the browser context, not so much in the mobile context.
> proposal for DTLS is to kind of punt: have an optional but fixed Connection
> ID. Doesn't change across the connection.
> We can add a new extension to negotiate functionality. Best scaling involves
> passing a token for each connection, yucky.
> (EKR shows a proposal for a Connection ID extension)
> IDs are used if a client offers and a server answers
> Each side *sends* with the other's ID.
> Happy to hear objections to this strategy.
> Tobias G.: Connection ID is currently a very big problem in IoT space.
> lake of entropy space in connection ID... 100k entropy doesn't work for IoT.
> need 10^6.
> Need this ASAP.
> Privacy concern is absolutely correct. Need to be able to reneg the client
> ID.
> EKR: I've proposed reciever sets.
> TG: want to avoid collision in the space... if the server controls that ID,
> you avoid collisions.
> EKR: this design avoids that.
> TG: can we do this in 1.3 please?
> Hannes: data flows in two directions, similar to IPSEC.
> Ted H: how does this impact RTCWeb?
> EKR: wouldn't anticipate being able to use this for RTP.
> ... unaware NAT rebinding typically assumes that one side has an open
> connection.
> EKR: clarify, server picks ID for packets that come to him, client picks the
> IDs that come to them.
> DKG: two questions: 1) IoT devices are unlikely to be mobile, do we have
> evidence for that? Seems like it's also active in things like vehicles; and
> 2) looks to me like a field for arbitrary metadata insertion in each packet
> and with long lengths, that looks like SPUD but we're not going to call it
> EKR: let me make my threat of violence clear, you need to solve it.
> Yoav channeling Victor: why is this an assymetric connection ID scheme?
> EKR: any symmetric scheme people want to pack the target into the connection
> ID. might not want to have a random ID.
> MT: whole point of this is to mark packets so the reciever can get them to
> the right place.
> MT: I think this is enough of an attractive target that I don't want to see
> this in DTLS 1.3, want to see that in a separate document... will address
> 1.2 as we can hit them at the same time.
> EKR: structure of this is that we can easily add as an extension.
> MT: if we just do this we don't get the ability to change over time,
> important for mobility. makes the arb metadata insertion better to deal
> with.
> Christian Huitema: we need to do this right and not fast. Quick and dirty
> stuff is not going to cut it.
> ... want to be able to reneg. probably want to make it optional so it's not
> in every packet. Want to have a constraint so that we don't get huge privacy
> holes.
> EKR: what about this? Feel like QUIC got bogged down... proposal that got
> the most attention was an unencrypted connection ID. Should we build a fixed
> connection ID or something that constantly changes?
> EKR can prepare a separate draft for this... may not change 1.2 as that's
> hard.
> Jan I: [could not understand]
> Ben Schwarts: in addition to privacy within a connection, if youre a client
> trying to keep track of a number of servers, it can be essentially a
> counter. May encourage clients to create a cross-connection... IDs are in a
> sequential range, these connections are all the same client. Would be nice
> to not do that.
> EKR: this might require it being longer!
> Hannes T: we wouldn't have a problem in IoT case if the NATs wouldn't exist
> or do rebinding or if the devices would more frequently send traffic.
> ... vehicles will probably use cellular keeping the connex open. Always the
> chance to restart from scratch... connection ID wouldn't make a difference,
> need to start DTLS connection over again.
> ... so sending a big ID is not going to help at all.
> DKG (off mic): why have it then?
> Hannes: we don't have it!
> Tobias G: for these connections, mobile devices are in the use cases that I
> see. When you consider reneg, consider that main use case is devices with
> power constraints. So every RT etc. is very costly. Not reneg every time
> would be good. Would like things that we can tailor, customize.
> Would rather have this really soon... problem is out there.
> Would strongly urge the chairs to consider for 1.2
> Jan I: could we constrain this to a smaller thing...
> EKR: any number large enough to be useful will make DKG sad.
> MT: any size that is useful, is useful (making the point that it's useful
> for good and bad)
> SPT: will send an email for when DTLS will drop compared to TLS. Now is your
> chance to get to the mic.
> Chair interrupt:
> First thing: presenters are keeping it short and to the point. Hold points
> until after presentation.
> Plenty of time for discussion.
> Want to address both political and technical topics
> The main question: Is this subject something that the WG should consider?
> This = "passive decryption of traffic"
> What technical solutions are available, becasue the WG gets change control
> if adopted.
> Impacts of TLS 1.3 on Eneterprise network operation (Steve Fenter, Matt
> Green, Russ Housely)
> use cases:
> wireshark PCAP decrypt
> Fraud Monitoring
> Malware Detection
> Security incident response
> Regulatory requirements
> Layer 7 DDoS Protection
> When problem hits, no one knows where in this universe of 400 boxes the
> problem is.
> I need packet level visibility in everywhere across these 400 boxes.
> a month ago, got a problem in login failures and slowdowns.
> sniffer guys called in to swoop in and save the day.
> Many other guys getting called with severity 1 problems and need to decrypt
> No way to identify the user bc CDN, decrypt the packets to find user_id or
> other elements.
> one particular URL was giving 10s response time
> Tier 2 load balancer, found the same symptom.... etc.
> would need 5 proxies here and that doesn't scale... millions of dollars.
> endpoint monitoring doesn't work, as you can't do full-scale pcap.. because
> of NAT etc.
> often need decrypted PCAP where there is no endpoint (e.g., firewalls don't
> often allow you to terminate)
> tl;dr: a particular db call to a small single-threaded access table was
> slowing everything down.
> If TLS 1.3 rolls out without static DH, severity 1 problems will drag out
> for weeks. Severity 2 will take months.
> level of pain that enterprises aren't willing or able to handle.
> if I have a problem that TLS causes, it's basically a DoS attack. TLS 1.3 is
> a DoS attack for us.
> Matt Green
> This is not technically a problem: if you control the endpoints, you control
> the secrets.
> How do you do this that doesn't harm the protocol?
> possible solns:
> endpoints being the servers, deliver session keys or MSs through an OOB
> channel. But # of keys can be very large.
> have to deliver keys in a very timely manner, can't cache over much time
> encode keys in band in the TLS protocol.
> one option is to use a full extension and then include an in-bad inclusion.
> unfortuantely, legacy systems don't include this functionality.
> lots of different variants, some of very hard to detec.
> Hovav: use DUAL-EC
> Endpoints use (semi)-static keys
> don't change the protocol, let's do something others can recognize.
> No changes to 1.3
> Easy to detect
> Reduces FS, mitigated by key rotation.
> Static DH draft
> (Matt describes draft-green)
> Security of Static DH
> leave aside FS, it is cryptographically secure
> FIPS 800-56A talks about using static DH. TLS 1.2 has DHS
> concerns
> easy to have imp flaws.
> but easy to not affect most users.
> Harm reduction
> enterprises don't adopt 1.3, today they're using 1.2 with static RSA.
> make some dramatic changes to endpoints to deliver session keys.
> some really really bad ideas (won't go into)
> Extensions (open to this)
> pros: no significant protocol changes, well-understaood crypto,
> detectability.
> Natl Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (Tim Polk)
> Sponsor of a related draft.
> NCCOE is all about implementation and adoption.
> Have been hearing issues with meeting operation reqs for 1.3
> Objective is to collab with industry, solve problems and get better security
> than we have today.
> NCCoE will produce a proof of concept imp and a number of documents... want
> to prove that we can tighten up the life span of those keys that we are
> sharing in the enterprise.
> Would produce an 1800 series practice guide that would say, "if you want to
> do what we did in the imp, do this."
> would submit an IETF draft that showed what we did, what worked/did not,
> here are the key liftetimes that we think we can manage.
> Proposal DOES NOT violate the IETF policy on wiretapping (Russ Housely)
> RFC 2804 defines wiretapping and this is not that.
> Want to get as much TLS nowledge from this WG as possible to produce as
> secure a thing as possible.
> TINFOIL (Stephen Farrell)
> This whole thing is a terrible idea, we shouldn't do it.
> Stephen goes through the various arguments listed here:
> https://github.com/sftcd/tinfoil
> not in scope for charter
> could put TLS/DTLS 1.3 at risk
> TLS is hard
> 1.3 has undergone significant analysis so far, this has not
> Static DH is not implementation robust
> we have a case where law enforcement has tried to coerce a server operator
> to tap at TLS level
> should in no way be a standards track document.
> breaking TLS is not part of the WG charter.
> ...
> Question to group: should we document these arguments about breaking TLS?
> Q&A:
> PHB: agree with both sides. Problem here is coming from the PKI world, saw
> what happen to bluecoat and co. We didn't make WebPKI holes for them, so
> they blasted holes into it.
> on the techincal side, don't like how you're doing it. I'd use a different
> DH share every time.
> would like to have this such that if this makes it into the wild, it is not
> compat with legacy stuff
> Paul Woters: want to quote RFC-someting-bis
> talking about DH groups 22, 23, 24. 22 is must not. 23 and 24 will be must
> not soon, should not now.
> Dan Harkins: there is IPR here out here from a past employer.
> DKG: want to express disappointment with this draft.
> export cipher suites was brought up. As recently as last year we've had
> problems with the fact that export cipher suites were standardized 20 years
> ago.
> The first time we see a problem with this might be soon... the last time we
> see a problem will be way way in the future.
> Rich Salz: (applause)
> I am torn between: prof. and personally I think this is not a good thing.
> Remember Dave Clarke's talk that we need to tilt the playing field for
> things that people use.
> would like to see us wait two years for deployment exp. It's pre-mature.
> Let's revisit.
> Darin Pettis:
> We've been here before, part of a large financial organization. We've
> ditched RSA, we understand that.
> We've explored technical options, and have not find a better way.
> Roman from CMU:
> didn't see discussion for security uses, esp. DFIR (incident response).
> very key to do ad hoc instrumentation and this would help.
> [Cisco business security group]:
> Don't think security is served by seeing this as a black or white approach.
> Reminds me of the old discussion of NATs.
> Community is better served by ack'ing this problem and find a way to solve
> it.
> Nalini Elkins:
> There are very real problems from real people doing real things.
> If you are hearing from real people that there are problems, behooves us to
> listen.
> mnot:
> this is not the first time we've seen this thing.
> 2 years ago, proposals strongly made in HTTP.
> We chose not to accept that work; reason is that HTTPS is explicitly a
> two-party protocol. Did not have a way to get the informed consent necessary
> to change the protocol.
> You are changing the nature of the protocol pretty fundamentally.
> Ted Hardie:
> two points: FS is a feature of this protocol. This turns it off in certain
> contexts, not obvious to the end users that FS has been removed. Can't tell
> in the first connection if a key will be re-used. Need to have a way with
> features like this about 1) signal that it's being used; and 2) get
> agreements to use it from those communicating.
> if it comes back with those changes, what's the domain analysis? Russ read
> us section 3 of RFC 2048, but not section 4, that says, "we're not taking a
> moral stand, but a technical stand". You MUST expect a technology to be used
> in places you might not expect. Analysis must take into account all of the
> domains of us.
> Max Pala (cable labs):
> agree with Stephen.
> Most of the time this is a problem if your arch is outdated. No one will
> force you to do this... if you do deploy 1.3, should be conformant.
> Ralph Droms:
> Living the dream (laughter)
> Want to emphasize keeping separate the fundamental abstract questions that
> are being discussed and the particular proposal that is on the table in this
> document.
> Roland Dobbins:
> Want to emphasize being able to troubleshoot and need visibility.
> Often this needs to be on the wire.
> They may face potential fines and liability if they don't take care of our
> information.
> We don't want crypto that is proprietary or that is developed in
> smoke-filled rooms.
> Jeff Hodges:
> want to echo ralph and roland and a few other people.
> There are enterprise needs here to do this thing.
> We want to get to FS in the data center and we need a migration path that
> has been scrutinized by experts.
> Christian Huitema:
> want to support Stephen and Ted: take the Lavabit scenario.
> A provider of a service is being compelled to turn on a feature so that
> someone can get their traffic.
> This approach is very dangerous... you assume that you are using the same
> software in both DCs and on a server.
> Don't like the feature that this is keeping the wire format unchanged.
> We need a "big red flag" requirement so that this is only used in the DC.
> Daniel Franke (Akamai):
> like draft-00, not draft-01
> draft-01 is standards track, not ok
> Kenny Patterson:
> There is nothing in the current draft that would force the rotation of keys.
> suggestion: adopt the draft and force key rotation on each connection.
> Sharon Goldberg (BU)
> Want to support Stephen.
> Not confied to DCs, do not support at all
> Deb Cooley (NSA)
> I believe if you take the draft here, you control the draft.
> if you let this go underground, it will happen silently like what happened
> in the past with Static RSA.
> Tara Tarikyee (OTF)
> add voice to those disappointed in this draft.
> there are a lot of people that depend on TLS for the practice of those
> rights.
> Questions the charis want answered (policy)
> The main question: Is this subject something that the WG should consider?
> this = "passive decryption of data center traffic"
> subquestion: Is this wiretapping?
> Clarifying questions:
> Stephen Farrell: don't believe that passive is correct here, draft-green
> allows active attacks. Allows the attacker to be active.
> Ralph Droms: separate the solution in the draft from the mechanism.
> Stephen: A, your saying your draft is broke.
> ... not clear to me that there is any solution that allows passive that
> doesn't allow active.
> DKG: we have considered this question for many weeks.
> Lucy Lynch: take a hum first on whether or not the group should accept the
> draft and then take a more general hum.
> Joe S: "decryption of data in the data center" ommiting the word "passive"
> Hums: No clarity whatsoever. Seemed pretty even.
> Stephen: want to take it to the list as to if the WG is interested in
> documenting reasons to not break TLS.
> --
> Joseph Lorenzo Hall
> Chief Technologist, Center for Democracy & Technology [https://www.cdt.org]
> 1401 K ST NW STE 200, Washington DC 20005-3497
> e: j...@cdt.org, p: 202.407.8825, pgp: https://josephhall.org/gpg-key
> Fingerprint: 3CA2 8D7B 9F6D DBD3 4B10  1607 5F86 6987 40A9 A871
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