Tim Hollebeek <tim.holleb...@digicert.com> wrote:
> Because it's easier for the client to decide what the client understands
> than it is for the server to decide what the client understands.  Less
> complexity = less failures.  
> Note that this is how XP was handled for code signing.  The Authenticode
> spec actually made it so if you did things in the right order, XP would only
> see the SHA-1 signature, while more recent operating systems would see both
> the SHA-1 and SHA-2 signatures, ignore the SHA-1 signature, and use the
> SHA-2 signature.  This allowed doubly-signed binaries that worked both on XP
> and non-XP systems.  Unfortunately the technical steps to do so weren't
> widely publicized, but I know some companies took advantage of it.

Now that sounds weird.

If I look at the code signatures on my Windows 7 machine,

it carries one single digital signature & timestamp _from_Microsoft_ 
created 01-November-2017 and both with sha1RSA.

So it seems some vendors haven't really started migrating away from SHA-1.


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