On Jan 12, 2018, at 3:02 PM, Hanno Böck <ha...@hboeck.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> This working group just went through a painful process of realizing
> that deploying a new TLS version on the Internet is a hard task due to
> broken devices. If you're not aware David Benjamin just gave a great
> talk summarizing the issues:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mE_JmwFi1Y
> Today I found this article:
> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/11/cisco_sniff_malware_inside_encrypted_traffic/
> tl;dr Cisco now says they can identify malware in TLS traffic by
> carefully looking at it.
> (For context: devices from Cisco were responsible for many of the
> issues that made deploying TLS 1.3 hard, e.g. version intolerance on
> load balancers and recently by not correctly terminating TLS in a
> firewall.)

Those bugs that interfere with TLS handshakes are un-related to Cisco's 
Encrypted Traffic Analytics ("ETA").  Different technologies.


> I'll dare to have a look into the future and make this imho very
> plausible claim:
> Cisco won't be the only vendor selling such things. We will see more
> products that magically can identify "bad things" in TLS traffic by
> applying everything from AI to Blockchain.
> We will almost certainly see a whole new generation of devices doing
> weirdness with TLS and who will drop or manipulate packages that contain
> things they don't know (like... a version negotiation field with TLS
> 1.4 or a large post quantum key exchange message).
> The question I want to ask: What can we do *now* to stop this from
> happening when TLS 1.4 will be deployed? I have the feeling GREASE
> won't be enough...
> -- 
> Hanno Böck
> https://hboeck.de/
> mail/jabber: ha...@hboeck.de
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