​David Benjamin <david...@chromium.org> writes:

>I probed a bunch of servers yesterday and found evidence of yet another
>collision at 26! It's possible these are TLS-LTS implementations, but a lot
>of them additionally only support RSA decryption ciphers, which makes this
>seem unlikely. 

Another reason why it should be unlikely (emphasis on "should") is that the
use is in SCADA/embedded, so not anything that should be visible on the public

Having said that, someone sent me a link to a Shodan scan earlier today with
over a thousand devices that definitely shouldn't be on the Internet, so who
knows what's being put online there.

>These servers do not appear to do anything with the extension, as far as I
>could tell, including even echoing it back, but they  send decode_error if
>the extension includes a non-empty body.

Hmm, that does sounds like -LTS, since it has an empty body... no idea whose
implementation that would be though.

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