On 20/08/18 21:48, Nancy Cam-Winget (ncamwing) wrote:
> All, A couple IoT consortiums are trying to embrace the improvements
> made to TLS 1.3 and as they define their new security constructs
> would like to adopt the latest protocols, in this case TLS 1.3.   To
> that extent, they have a strong need for mutual authentication, but
> integrity only (no confidentiality) requirements.
> In following the new IANA rules, we have posted the draft
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-camwinget-tls-ts13-macciphersuites-00
> to document request for registrations of HMAC based cipher selections
> with TLS 1.3…..and are soliciting feedback from the WG on the draft
> and its path forward.

As ekr pointed out, with the new registration rules,
there's nothing to stop someone defining any old set
of crypto stuff and getting non-recommended codepoints.

That said, I don't consider that defining such
vulnerable-by-design ciphersuites is a good plan.

- It imposes costs on the non-niche users of TLS - once
these things are defined then developers and those who
deploy/configure applications using TLS need to check
that they're not using these undesirable ciphersuites,
so costs are being displaced from niche uses to the
vast majority of implementations and deployments, which
seems to me to be a bad idea. And we know that people
will sometimes get those checks wrong leading to unexpected
transmission of plaintext over the Internet.

- Similarly, just defining such ciphersuites seems likely
to lead to less well tested and infrequently used code
paths, which is undesirable. (Assuming someone pays some
developer to add these to some library, which generally
does seem to happen.)

- RFC7525 [1] is clear on this topic (after debate in the
UTA WG) - "Implementations MUST NOT negotiate the cipher
suites with NULL encryption" and I see nothing new to
convince me that that ought change for TLS1.3.

- Code footprint arguments aren't that convincing to
me - to get interop for the few devices where AES being
present or absent could make a real difference, you'd
need an awful lot more profiling of TLS or DTLS. I don't
see evidence of that so the interop/footprint arguments
seem pretty weak. I'd also bet that any useful "tiny
footprint" profile of that kind would end up targeting
loads of use-cases where confidentiality is absolutely

- (In addition to the good points made by Geoffrey
Keating [2]) cleartext payloads would also assist in
device fingerprinting, making it easier to exploit
vulnerabilities at scale.

- IIUC there is also a desire to encrypt firmware
updates so that patches can be distributed more quickly
than attackers can reverse-engineer attacks. [4] I'm
not entirely sure if that's really likely to happen,
but if it were, then devices would need to be able to
use recommended ciphersuites in any case.

- TLS/AX.25 doesn't seem that good a plan in any
case - according to [3], which seems reasonable to
me, using clear-signed GPG is quicker and better
meets the oddball regulations. Attempting to deal
with those regulations by weakening TLS seems like
a very bad plan, as you'd fail in any case to achieve
interop with normal TLS applications like the web.
(And the advertising is as illegal as the crypto
apparently, though I do like that aspect:-)

- WRT unix sockets, I'm not clear that there's a
sufficiently important performance improvement in
real deployments to justify introducing weakened
ciphersuites - presumably mail servers are going to
use standard TLS libraries that (I hope!) won't be
offering NULL encryption, so I'd be surprised if
the right engineering decision was to prioritise
CPU to that extent, given the risks associated with
having weak ciphersuites present in widely used
implementations. IOW, it seems more sensible to me
for mail servers to just stick to using RECOMMENDED
ciphersuites. And given that you could use SASL
with Postfix/LMTP [5] I'm not sure why you'd want
a weirdo-version of TLS1.3 anyway but maybe there's
some reason I don't get.

- I think this WG has had to spend waaaay too much
time dealing with the "inspection of data" debate in
various forms, but we did get an answer (no consensus)
in the end for that. Niche use cases seem extremely
unlikely to me to justify revisiting that painful

So all in all, I just don't see a need for these
weak-by-design ciphersuites to even be defined. I'd
encourage folks who think they're needed to instead
think about how using RECOMMENDED ciphersuites might
make their implementations more widely applicable and
safer. Seems like a much more productive approach to
me anyway.


[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7525
[2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/uI8xVgp7gTuJgwUyY-UgZfmUkRo
[3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-suit-architecture-01#section-3.3
[4] https://www.tapr.org/pdf/DCC2010-AX.25-AuthenticationEffects-KE5LKY.pdf
[5] http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html#client_sasl

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