As we discussed in Montreal, the ESNI draft doesn't seem to interact well with 
origins which use multiple unrelated CDNs.  While Section 7.2.2 says that the 
scope of key sharing is between all hosts which can respond to a single IP 
address, but the DNS lookup method described actually makes it apply to all 
hosts responding to any IP address to which the target hostname might resolve.  
The conflict between these two generates the issue.

It would appear that there are two deployment models which are possible with 
the current draft:

Customers provide the ESNI keys to the CDN

This implies that the client will publish the TXT records directly and use the 
same keys across all CDNs they use to serve traffic.  This seems to be 
possible, since the ESNI extension carries the record_digest of the record; 
CDNs use the record_digest to look up the key which it should use to decrypt 
the extension.

However, an attacker can guess-and-check by resolving a particular domain and 
checking whether the record_digest returned matches that seen on an inspected 
connection.  If record_digests are unique per origin (or at least per 
customer's set of origins), ESNI protects relatively little.  Therefore, I 
presume that the desire is for ESNI keys to be the same for all / large 
populations of a CDN's customers.

CDN uses the same ESNI keys for all customers

This implies the CDN will be the one generating keys and publishing the ESNI 
records; the client domain will use CNAMEs to point to the CDN's ESNI record.  
However, a common strategy for load sharing between CDNs is to provide 
different CNAME responses to the desired portion of traffic.  If the CNAME 
returned during an A/AAAA query differs from the CNAME returned during a TXT 
query, the server receiving the traffic will be unable to decrypt the SNI.  As 
far as I'm aware, DNS provides no mechanism to guarantee this selection will be 

(Incidentally, you say in 6.2 that this will probably result in an invalid 
identity which doesn't chain to a public trust root; it might very well be a 
trusted certificate, albeit for the wrong name.)

Fundamentally, it seems like the choice of CDN and the choice of ESNI 
parameters have to be delivered to clients together and with comparable TTLs; 
the TXT record design makes it difficult to do that.  Embedding the ESNI 
information in Alt-Svc would be an HTTP-specific solution, but might be an 
alternative we should consider.

If there's a more general-purpose way of ensuring the information is delivered 
consistently without compromising privacy, I'm happy to see it solved in a 
non-HTTP manner instead / as well.  One such option, which I think someone 
raised in Montreal, might be to bind the ESNI record to the name for the resolved IP address instead of to the 
hostname.  This necessarily serializes the DNS queries, which is sub-optimal 
for performance.  More fatally, server operators in general are less likely to 
control this namespace.
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