On 10/30/2018 4:07 AM, Russ Housley wrote:

>> On Oct 30, 2018, at 2:26 AM, Christian Huitema <huit...@huitema.net> wrote:
>> On 10/29/2018 9:56 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
>>> You should do something more concrete with the label parameter.  Keep
>>> in mind that both client and server need to agree on a use for this,
>>> so my initial intuition to put the server identity might not work, but
>>> it could be a start.  The problem being that how the client identifies
>>> the server might not be something it shares with the server.
>> There is also a privacy issue with the external identifiers. For session
>> tickets, this is solved by only using a given resume ticket once, but
>> that's harder with external PSK.
> Christian:
> Proclaiming that you have access to a particular external PSK may reveal that 
> you as part of a group.  I do not see a way to completely avoid this because 
> the PSK is input to the key schedule at the very top.  Thus, there is no key 
> that could be used to encrypt it.

You do have a shared secret, the PSK itself. In the DNS SD privacy
proposal, we construct an obfuscated key identifier as
base64(nonce|truncated(hash(nonce|PSK))). In the simplest form, the
nonce is chosen randomly by the client, and the server has to try all
available keys until it finds one that matches.

We were worried about the compute cost of many trials, so we specified a
"predictable nonce" set to a "rounded time" -- in our case, the most
significant 24 bits of the 32 bit Unix time. The server would only have
to compute the set of hashes and potential identifiers once per time
interval. But that's of course a trade-off between obfuscation and
compute costs.

We were somewhat concerned about replay attacks, but that's a general
problem with PSK. An attacker could repeat the client hello, and see
whether the server's response provides information about the server
identity. Hopefully, TLS 1.3 takes care of that.

My point however is not to propose specific solutions, but rather to
ensure that the documents that we produce acknowledges the privacy
concerns with key identifiers. Once we agree that this is indeed an
issue, we can debate the appropriate solution.

-- Christian Huitema

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