On 09/04/2020, 15:18, "Eric Rescorla" <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 6:59 AM Thomas Fossati <thomas.foss...@arm.com> 
> > wrote:
> > On 09/04/2020, 14:20, "Eric Rescorla" <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
> > > Assuming I understand Hanno's proposal, I do not believe that this
> > > is in fact an improvement, as it does not cover the important case
> > > where the record containing the SH is lost and then the rest of
> > > the messages from the server are uninterpretable.
> >
> > I don't want to speak for Hanno here but the refinement proposed in
> > [1], specifically the bit that says:
> >
> >   [...] They may also proactively retransmit parts of a flight early
> >   if an ACK message indicates a gap.
> >
> > should cover the case you mention I think.
> But this requires being able to send an empty ACK that means "I got
> nothing". In which case, I don't see how it's really different from
> the current text except that it gives the sender less guidance.

Not sure there's an "empty ACK" in Hanno's proposal.  This is how I
interpret it in the context of your example: in the second flight, if
rec#0 (containing SH) is lost and rec#1 gets through, the receiver sends
ACK {1}.  From that the sender can infer the gap and retransmit rec#0.

(But again, I'm not him and that's why I suggested collecting all the
pieces of this discussion together in one PR.)

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