
We recommend that PR#20 be closed and we will progress the draft to Ben for his 
AD review. The suggested text is not strictly needed. As the name of the draft 
suggests, the client’s ticket requests are just that a request for tickets. The 
server is free to do whatever it wants with the request.

spt (for Joe and Sean)

> On Apr 19, 2020, at 18:23, Viktor Dukhovni <> wrote:
> I uploaded a small pull request for the ticket request draft:
> it stipulates that servers SHOULD send at least one ticket unless *both*
> counters are zero.  A client willing to accept tickets for either of the
> two handshake types is capable of accepting a ticket for the other.
> Yes, this leaves the door open to later define (or not) special
> semantics for the zero value to be used between mutually consenting
> clients and servers.
> -- 
>    Viktor.
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