I feel like there should be nothing controversial in the context of TLS.
 * Non-ephemeral FFDHE ciphersuites in TLS 1.0–1.2 (TLS_DH_*) ought to be a 
MUST NOT, because they can't be implemented securely.
 * Reusing ephemeral shares for ECDHE and DHE ought to be a MUST NOT in all TLS 
versions, because it's unnecessary and has been a requirement for many attacks 
 * Non-ephemeral ECDH ciphersuites (TLS_ECDH_*) ought to be a SHOULD NOT, 
because again ECDH share reuse enables a whole class of attacks.
 * FFDHE ciphersuites in TLS 1.0–1.2 (TLS_DHE_*) ought to be a SHOULD NOT, 
because they are specified in a dangerous way that is not secure if shares are 
If any of the above are not already the case, it should be a quick and easy 

2020-09-11 16:06 GMT+02:00 Russ Housley <hous...@vigilsec.com>:
> Peter:
> > Achim Kraus <achimkr...@gmx.net> writes:
> > 
> >> Does using x25519 for ECDHE is significant less secure than using it with
> >> e.g. secp384r1?
> > 
> > The NIST curves AFAIK are never used that way, it's only done with 25519
> > (there was something about it in an OpenPGP draft, but I think GPG went
> > straight to 25519 and only used ECDSA for signatures).
> > 
> > What I'm specifically referring to is DH run sideways, as someone put it
> > during the X9.42 discussion, i.e. used in static-ephemeral mode to try and
> > make it work like it's RSA.
> > 
> > In all the code audits I've done of 25519 used that way, I've never seen it
> > used correctly.  Usually there isn't just one mistake made but many of them.
> > It's such an obvious problem that that and misuse of RC4-equivalent modes/
> > algorithms like GCM and ChaCha20 are the first things I look for in crypto
> > code.
> I am sure you know that ephemeral-static DH was original used for S/MIME.  
> The reasoning for ephemeral-static DH was not to make it work like RSA.  
> Rather, the idea was to provide authentication of the static DH key holder by 
> certifying the static DH public key.  Then, the ephemeral DH key pair is 
> generated using the parameters from the certificate.  One important aspect of 
> this approach was to avoid picking a single group for all of the DH keys.
> Russ
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