On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 7:12 AM Dan Harkins <dhark...@lounge.org> wrote:

> On 3/10/21 4:12 AM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 11:43 PM Owen Friel (ofriel) <ofr...@cisco.com>
> wrote:
>> *From:* TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of *Eric Rescorla
>> *Sent:* 09 March 2021 06:27
>> *To:* Dan Harkins <dhark...@lounge.org>
>> *Cc:* <tls@ietf.org> <tls@ietf.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: [TLS] Comments on draft-friel-tls-eap-dpp-01
>> On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 1:18 PM Dan Harkins <dhark...@lounge.org> wrote:
>>   Hi Eric,
>> On 3/8/21 8:00 AM, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>> Taking a step back from the crypto, I'm trying to make sure I
>> understand the desired security properties. As I understand the
>> situation:
>> - the client has a preconfigured key pair (X_c, Y_c)
>> - the server is anonymous (i.e., doesn't have a valid TLS cert).
>> [ofriel]Its not true that the server does not have a valid TLS cert, the
>> EAP server will have a cert but the client will have no way of verifying
>> it. Its more https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8446#appendix-C.5.
>> - the server is preconfigured with information about each
>>   client (in this case, Y_c).
>> And the desired property you are looking for is that:
>> 1. The client authenticates to the server using X_c
>> 2. The client will only connect to servers that know the
>>    per-client information
>> Is this correct?
>>   Yes.
>> Assuming it is, it seems like we could accomplish this with
>> less change to TLS. Here is one proposal (warning: not
>> at all analyzed so may be totally broken).
>> - Have the client take on the TLS server role, and use RFC 7250 raw
>>   public keys. This addresses requirement 1.
>>   This breaks the use of (T)EAP. In the case of EAP, the server is the
>> one that grants access to the network and the client is the one that
>> asks for access (which is why it's known as the "supplicant"). The
>> EAP roles match the TLS roles so it wouldn't be possible for an EAP
>> client to act as a TLS server in the EAP method.
>> Thanks for the clarification. This is party of why it's helpful to
>> understand the requirements.
>> - Store a separate per-client value K_c (this can be derived from the
>>   X_c to ease the burden on the client) and use RFC 8773 external PSK
>>   with cert authentication to inject K_c into the key schedule.
>>   There's no certs involved here. There is trust by the server in a
>> raw public key and there's an assurance (not quite authentication) of
>> the client based on who knows that public key
>> To clarify, what I was proposing was that that you replace knowledge of
>> the pubkey
>> with knowledge of the PSK and have the client (acting as the server)
>> present its
>> public key in the RFC 7250 Raw Public Key mode. The reason certs come
>> into play is that TLS 1.3 prohibits the use of certificate based
>> exchanges (which
>> should include Raw Public Key) with PSKs, and 8773 relaxes that.
>> However, if you can't have the client act as the server, then we'll need
>> to find
>> another approach. As I indicated on the call, what would be helpful to me
>> would
>> be a description of the externally visible invariants that we need to
>> satisfy.
>> [ofriel] Another requirement is that the full public key Y_c is not
>> transmitted as part of TLS handshake from client to server. We cannot not
>> use RFC 7250 as is. Instead, something like the Known Certificates proposal
>> in cTLS https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-ctls-01#section-5.1.3
>> would work.
> Is that a primary requirement or a derived requirement?
>   I'm not sure of the distinction you're making here.

Well, once again, it seems like the technical requirement is that:

1. You want to authenticate the server to the client (as noted below, I
don't think that the distinction
you are making between "assurance" and "authenticate" is sufficiently crisp
to be helpful).
2. The only secret information that the server shares with the client is

But this doesn't necessarily preclude the client *sending* Y_c, it merely
requires that
it not send it to anyone who hasn't proven they know Y_c first. For
instance, if Y_c
was used as a PSK (as owen suggests), then it might (again, no analysis
allow the client to send Y_c in an RFC 7250 certificate message because it
already be being encrypted under a key that required knowing Y_c.

But let me address
> a misconception mentioned earlier (not by you, but mentioned nonetheless)
> to hopefully clear this up:
> In DPP the public key is not secret, but the knowledge of the public key is
> supposed to be restricted to those who are legitimate owners of the thing.
> The more gratuitously a thing distributes it's public key the less
> assurance
> the thing will get that the holder of it's public key is legit. Consider
> that
> the Oprah level of bootstrapping-- "you get my public key!, and you get my
> public key!, and you get my public key!"-- would end up being TOFU since
> the
> thing doesn't actually know who it ended up talking to (everyone could
> theoretically have gotten the public key), but restriction of the thing's
> public key to someone who purchased the thing-- consider transfer of data
> in the cloud upon delivery of a paid purchase order-- can allow the thing
> to have a higher level of assurance that it's talking to the legitimate
> owner.
> That's what we want to leverage with TLS-pok. It's not that the public key
> is secret, it's that the restriction of the public key's knowledge is
> directly proportional to the assurance the thing gets that it's talking to
> its legitimate owner.

>From an analysis perspective, I'm not sure how to model this other than as
it is a secret
with a limited distribution.


>   So in TLS-pok, the client is getting an assurance that he's connecting to
> the right network by the server proving knowledge of its public key. If the
> client starts out by saying, "here's my public key" it will eliminate any
> assurance the client could've gotten from restricting access to its key
> and reduce TLS-pok's client assurance to TOFU; we don't want to do that.
>   regards,
>   Dan.
>> Something like this could work:
>> Setup:
>> Client has X_c, Y_c
>> Server is provisioned with Y_c (the bootstrap RPK)
>> Both sides could derive (using some suitable hashing algorithm):
>> keyID = H1(Y_c)
>> PSK = H2(Y_c)
>> Server keeps a map of keyID to Y_c.
>> keyID could be common or unique for the PSK and RPK.
>> C->S: Client sends the keyID for the derived PSK
>> ClientHello
>> +tls_cert_with_extern_psk
>> +pre_shared_key identity=keyID
>> S->C: Server looks up the Y_c, derives PSK, and injects into
>> key_schedule. Server sends its PKI Certificate/CertificateVerify which
>> client ignores. Server requests client cert so that client can prove it
>> knows X_c.
>> ServerHello
>> +pre_shared_key selected_identity=keyID
>> {EncryptedExtensions}
>> {CertificateRequest}
>> {Certificate}
>> {CertificateVerify}
>> {Finished}
>> C->S: Ignores server Certificate/CertificateVerify. If handshake reaches
>> here, at this stage, server has proven knowledge of Y_c via derived PSK.
>> {Certificate, cert_data does not include RPK, but instead keyID as per
>> cTLS}
>> {CertificateVerify}
>> {Finished}
>> Server verifies Finished. At this stage, client has proven knowledge of
>> X_c.
>> I believe this meets the requirements that:
>> - server proves knowledge of Y_c
>> - client proves knowledge of X_c
>> - Y_c is not send over the wire in cleartext
>> - reuse existing RFCs, aligns better with existing TLS flows, no new
>> extensions (well we need to do something for Certificate including keyID)
> Yes, this might work. I think we would need analysis to demonstrate that
> this doesn't allow an attacker to derive Y_c.
> -Ekr
> --
> "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to
> escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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