Hi Sean,

I hope, the answer of Hannes counts as "significant justification".

Most of the discussion and arguments are about TLS 1.2 and 1.3.

Just to be clear:
RRC will only apply to DTLS, 1.2 and 1.3. There is no usage for TLS.
And for RRC, Hannes and Thomas wants to use the "Flags Extension".

I'm not sure, how fast DTLS 1.2 deployments will be moved to DTLS 1.3.
But I'm pretty sure, that DTLS 1.2 with Connection ID will make many
NB-IoT solutions possible, and RRC will help to defend that against

best regards
Achim Kraus
(Currently DTLS 1.2 only ;-) )

Am 04.11.21 um 14:27 schrieb Sean Turner:

Sorry I forgot to answer this, but John pretty much answered it for me. The 
prevailing notion that the WG has been under is that extensions defined are for 
TLS 1.3. We put the following in the charter to make that clear:

    Changes or additions to older versions of (D)TLS whether
    via extensions or ciphersuites are discouraged and require
    significant justification to be taken on as work items.

So ... do you have a significant justification?


On Nov 4, 2021, at 09:11, John Mattsson 
<john.mattsson=40ericsson....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

TLS 1.2 has been obsolete for over three years. Oxford dictionary defines obsolete as 
"no longer produced or used; out of date." NIST requires support of TLS 1.3 
everywhere no later than Jan 2024, which at least in theory means no negotiation of TLS 

I think IETF, TLS WG, and TLS libraries should spend their time on TLS 1.3 
rather than giving the false idea it is ok to stay on TLS 1.2.


From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Hannes Tschofenig 
Date: Monday, 25 October 2021 at 19:12
To: IETF TLS <tls@ietf.org>
Subject: [TLS] Flags Extension: why only for TLS 1.3?

Hi all,

why is the flags extension only defined for TLS 1.3?

There is nothing in this extension that prevents us from using it also in TLS 

Could we make it also available to TLS 1.2?


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