My welcome back to Rick, also.  It's good to hear from you, Linda, and all.  My 
lesion in C2-C4 and I have numbness in my hands, tremors occasionally, and 
sometimes even muscle spasm type seizures.  They are very disconcerting, but 
usually are stopped by muscle relaxants.  I have had TM for 18 years and 
another autoimmune disorder that attacked peripheral nerves that came on about 
2 years ago.  I now take azathioprine, which is an immune system suppressant.  
Well, my best to everyone. - Roger in Kennewick, WA  

 From: Linda Cherpeski <>
Cc: TM List <> 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Rick back on list.


Hi Rick and Linda ~ I am still here also.  This is where the support all began 
for me 10 years ago.  I know there are TMers on FB, but there are a lot of 
people from this group that I haven't seen anywhere for quite some time.  Miss 
everybody.  Rick I'm so sorry about your insurance. I still have insurance (and 
Medicare) and my out-of-pocket expenses scare me! Had to laugh ~when you 
mentioned a certain name and said your e-mail will once again be monitored 
constantly. lol  I think we all are to a certain extent anyway. There is no 
such thing as "privacy" anymore, in my opinion.
Linda, this tremor and numbness in your hands - are your lesions up high - in 
your C spine?
I'm also glad to see some action on this site.  I know Janice is still here - 
maybe she'll stop by soon.
Take care you guys,
Linda C (Boise, ID) 

Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:42:13 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Rick back on list.

I am still here.  Not a lot of talk on this site anymore, I think most use 
Facebook.  I am now going on 8 1/2 years with TM & I guess I am as good as I'm 
going to be.  My neurologist said last December that he no longer needs to see 
me unless their is a problem.  I am just followed by my PCP, but she is very 
good.  I haven't heard anything from or about Jude in a long time.  I haven't 
heard about anything new to try - wish there was.    I developed a bad tremor 
in my right hand(of course I am right handed) after 3years with TM & the 
numbness in my hands can be really bad, but I manage as best I can.  Glad to 
see some talk on this site.
Linda E.  

 From: Richard Ashford <>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 1:09 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Rick back on list.
Hello everyone who might remember me. I hope all of you are as well as tm will 
let you be. I'm looking forward to hearing from you who want to be in touch 
me. I'm also looking forward to hearing if there has been any serious advances 
in our treatments. Gunny, Grace, Barb, Jude all the old crew I hope especially 
to hear form you. My condition has not changed, and my insurance and medicaid 
compleatly realeased me so now I'm having to pay out the nose for personal 
insurance. Thanks Barack! Well any way my e-mail will be monitored constantly 
again. I wish all of you the best of everything and hope to talk to you soon. 
Sincerely Rick Ashford 

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