
I have tmux 1.9 attached to hterm in Google Chrome 34.0.1847.118.

I am trying to copy text from inside tmux to the system clipboard by
issuing a DSC escape sequence containing an OSC 52 escape sequence.
So far, this has been successful in copying strings up to 180
characters; anything longer fails, regardless of whether I use DCS
chunking[1] or not!

For example, this works for copying 180 characters of text:


And without DCS chunking[1], it fails for copying 181 characters of text:


But even with DCS chunking[1], it sill fails for copying 181 characters of text:


These observations make me wonder: Does tmux support passing
back-to-back (chunked) DCS escape sequences directly to the attached
terminal?  Or does it need some delay or special text in between those
chunks for things to work?  Alternatively, am I doing something
totally wrong here?

Thanks for your consideration.


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