Right now I have two tmux windows deattached:

root@server500:[/tmp] tmux
root@server500:[/tmp] tmux ls
0: 1 windows (created Wed Feb  1 22:50:03 2017) [123x39]
1: 1 windows (created Wed Feb  1 22:50:22 2017) [123x39]

When I close my ssh connection and re-connect I can re-attach both windows.
When leaving it for 2 hours both windows are gone.

root@server500:[~] tmux ls
failed to connect to server

I cannot find any clues why it keeps closing. I used a fresh install.
I do not have any user parameters configured in my shell regarding timeout 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Marriott [mailto:nicholas.marri...@gmail.com] 
Sent: woensdag 1 februari 2017 22:50
To: Saelmans, CRS (Cor)
Cc: 'tmux-users@googlegroups.com'
Subject: Re: tmux keeps timing out

This is completely unclear. What exactly is happening? tmux just detachs 

On Wed, Feb 01, 2017 at 09:43:02PM +0000, Saelmans, CRS (Cor) wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I'm using TMUX. According to the man page the session shouldn't timout.
>    "Each session is persistent and will survive accidental disconnection
>    (such as [1]ssh(1) connection timeout) or intentional detaching (with the
>    'C-b d' key strokes)."
>    I tried everything, deattaching and attaching, leaving it open, nothing
>    works. I'm using RedHatEnterpriseLinux 7.2.
>    What am I overlooking?
>    Kind regards,
>    Cor Saelmans
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