Hi, Everyone:

I have a really simple problem, but haunted me for quite a while.

I use TMUX in iTerm2 all the time, and I work using NeoVim.

I'll open a couple of sessions(each for one context, say development for one
session, temp tests for another session, server management is another session).

And I use NeoVim in them all the time.

Then the problem for me is, after a few days, I will forget which window
did I opened the vim. In many cases, it might get buried into background(all
the time).

So, when I try to update the file again, I'll see the nasty warning of
this file is opened by another vim instance, do you really want to open
it message, since it is already have the swap file for it.

And since I have opened many sessions and windows and panes. It is
really hard for me to find which pane I've opened that Vim.

The best way that I can think is like this:

1. Run `jobs -l` command in all opened panes in all windows in all
sessions of TMUX
2. Get all results with this format #{session_name} - #{window_name} -
#{pane_id} - #{app_pid} - #{app_command}

Then, I can filter them out and get to the right pane for it.

Did you have the same problem as me? So, I can save some time for
writing a script for that, Or I should write a script for that
and share it?



Programming For The Future


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