I use long shell prompts that span multiple lines.  In order to get the
earlier lines to go flush to the right-hand-side of the terminal window, I
inspect $COLUMNS and just print that many characters so that the next
character will be at the start of the next line.  This works great in most
cases, but when my tmux window resizes, weird things happen.  For example,

~ $ echo foo

when my window gets wider expands to

---(sdh@home)---------(12:34)---~ $ echo f

which is awkward and confusing.  Inserting an actual newline doesn't work
(short of a weird termcap setting I'm vaguely aware of to compensate for
wonky terminals that eat newlines at the end of a line), but I wonder if a
special tmux-only non-printing escape sequence would be sufficient to tell
tmux not to wrap the next line even if the window was big enough?  I'm not
entirely sure what this would look like, but wanted to throw the idea out
there to see if it would get any traction.

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