Since tmux 2.6 it's possible to set titles for panes in tmux but I can't
figure out how to do that for a tmux script I'm trying to put together. The
page on github discussing the feature is here:

I installed the latest version of tmux from github (called tmux master when
I do '$ tmux -V').

The information in the github thread seems to suggest that the correct
format for a script would be '$ tmux select-pane -t 1 -T' test but when I
do this I get the following error. Can anyone please advise what I should
put in my script to set the titles of the different panes? Thanks.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tmux select-pane -t 1 -T test
tmux: unknown option -- T
usage: select-pane [-DdegLlMmRU] [-P style] [-t target-pane]

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