I thought I could reproduce it but I can't do it again now for some

If instead of wrapping the line with \n ("done; echo; done") you wrap it
off the end of the line with a space ("done; printf " "; done" or
similar) - does it still happen?

Can you reproduce this in 2.7? What about in 2.3?

The fact that it depends on load makes me think that it is to do with
the pattern of data tmux is getting from read() which will vary if there
is enough load, although 0.1 seconds is a long time not to be separate
reads anyway... and I can't make it happen by forcing it to do any of
the obvious splits.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 10:57:06AM +0200, Thomas Sattler wrote:
> Hi again ...
> the attached (plain tmux-)script reliably triggers the bug.
>  - start an 80 column xterm
>  - start tmux within that terminal
>  - start my script within tmux
> I'd expect the terminal filled with lines like this (I had to shorten the
> lines to prevent thunderbird adding unwanted linebreaks):
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
> But I get things like this:
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 66 6666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │ 2222222 │ 3333333 │ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │        4│ 333    5│ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  11111116│4       5│555     6│ 4444444 │ 5555555 │ 6666666 │ 7777777
>  1111111 │5       7│66      7│ 4444444 │     5 5 │ 66 6666 │ 777  77
>  1111111 │7       8│7   33338│ 4  44446│   55555 │ 66   66 │ 7  7777
> In case the issue is not instantly triggered, run several similar
> xterms/scripts next to each other and/or put some load on your
> system. While I use https://people.seas.harvard.edu/~apw/stress
> for that, any method increasing the system load should work.
> @Nicholas: If you're unable to reproduce the bug at your system
> I'll happily create the needed logfiles.
> Thomas

> #!/bin/bash
> [ "$TMUX" ] || exec echo please run within tmux on a busy system
> tmux split-window -h -l 70 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 2; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 60 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 3; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 50 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 4; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 40 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 5; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 30 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 6; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 20 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 7; done; echo; done'
> tmux split-window -h -l 10 'seq 24; echo; sleep 0.5; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 8; done; echo; done'
>                             seq 24; sleep 0.5; echo; while true; do echo -n " 
> "; for i in {0..6}; do sleep 0.1; echo -n 1; done; echo; done

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