Also update with the latest options and remove the to-be-deprecated
{-attr,-bg,-fg} options.

Signed-off-by: Ben Boeckel <>
 examples/tmux.vim | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/tmux.vim b/examples/tmux.vim
index bff9cd1..037ddf7 100644
--- a/examples/tmux.vim
+++ b/examples/tmux.vim
@@ -56,43 +56,34 @@ syn keyword tmuxCmds
        \ switch-client switchc unbind[-key] unlink-window unlinkw wait[-for]
 syn keyword tmuxOptsSet
-       \ buffer-limit escape-time exit-unattached exit-unattached quiet
-       \ set-clipboard
-       \ base-index bell-action bell-on-alert default-command default-path
+       \ buffer-limit escape-time exit-unattached exit-unattached focus-events
+       \ quiet set-clipboard
+       \ assume-paste-time base-index bell-action bell-on-alert default-command
        \ default-shell default-terminal destroy-unattached detach-on-destroy
        \ display-panes-active-colour display-panes-colour display-panes-time
-       \ display-time history-limit
-       \ lock-after-time lock-command lock-server
-       \ message-command-attr message-attr message-command-bg message-bg
-       \ message-command-fg message-fg message-limit
-       \ mouse-resize-pane mouse-select-pane mouse-select-window mouse-utf8
-       \ pane-active-border-bg pane-border-bg pane-active-border-fg
-       \ pane-border-fg prefix prefix2
+       \ display-time history-limit lock-after-time lock-command lock-server
+       \ message-command-style message-limit message-style mouse-resize-pane
+       \ mouse-select-pane mouse-select-window mouse-utf8
+       \ pane-active-border-style pane-border-style prefix prefix2
        \ renumber-windows repeat-time set-remain-on-exit set-titles
-       \ set-titles-string status status-attr status-bg status-fg
-       \ status-interval status-justify status-keys status-left
-       \ status-left-attr status-left-bg status-left-fg status-left-length
-       \ status-position status-right status-right-attr status-right-bg
-       \ status-right-fg status-right-length status-utf8 terminal-overrides
-       \ update-environment visual-activity visual-bell visual-content
-       \ visual-silence word-separators
+       \ set-titles-string status status-interval status-justify status-keys
+       \ status-left status-left-length status-left-style status-position
+       \ status-right status-right-length staus-right-style status-utf8
+       \ terminal-overrides update-environment visual-activity visual-bell
+       \ visual-content visual-silence word-separators
 syn keyword tmuxOptsSetw
-       \ aggressive-resize alternate-screen automatic-rename
+       \ aggressive-resize allow-rename alternate-screen automatic-rename
        \ c0-change-interval c0-change-trigger clock-mode-colour
-       \ clock-mode-style force-height force-width layout-history-limit
-       \ main-pane-height main-pane-width mode-attr mode-bg mode-fg move-keys
-       \ mode-mouse monitor-activity monitor-content monitor-silence
+       \ clock-mode-style force-height force-width force-height
+       \ force-width main-pane-height main-pane-width mode-keys
+       \ mode-mouse mode-style monitor-activity monitor-content monitor-silence
        \ other-pane-height other-pane-width pane-base-index remain-on-exit
-       \ synchronize-panes utf8 window-status-bell-attr window-status-bell-bg
-       \ window-status-bell-fg window-status-content-attr
-       \ window-status-content-bg window-status-content-fg
-       \ window-status-activity-attr window-status-activity-bg
-       \ window-status-activity-fg window-status-attr
-       \ window-status-current-attr window-status-attr window-status-current-bg
-       \ window-status-bg window-status-current-fg window-status-fg
-       \ window-status-current-format window-status-format
-       \ window-status-separator xterm-keys wrap-search
+       \ synchronize-panes utf8 window-status-activity-style
+       \ window-status-bell-style window-status-content-style
+       \ window-status-current-format window-status-current-style
+       \ window-status-format window-status-last-style window-status-separator
+       \ window-status-style wrap-search xterm-keys
 syn keyword tmuxTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained

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