On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Nicholas Marriott
<nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What shell are you using? Does this happen in other shells?

I use bash. From my (perhaps wrong) experimentation with it in ksh, it
appears _not_ to happen. If you could give me a recipe for testing it
in a way that would give you information that would be appreciated as
I've basically always used bash.

> This does happen outside tmux too, right?


> What if you do "env -i bash --noprofile" or whatever equivalent to
> --noprofile you get from your shell?

I've attached the logs. It still happens.

[root@host ~]# TERM=screen-256color
[root@host ~]# env -i bash --noprofile
[root@host root]# PS1=#
Script started, file is typescript
command not found
sh-3.2# exit
Script done, file is typescript


In Christ,

Timmy V.

http://five.sentenc.es/ -- Spend less time on mail

Attachment: typescript-no-profile.screen-256color
Description: Binary data

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