Something has changed in 1.9 how tmux resolves directories.

I start tmux in my home directory (/home/tessus):

[tessus@atvie01s 0 ~]$ pwd
[tessus@atvie01s 0 ~]$ tmux

After starting tmux, the prompt in tmux looks like this (instead of the ~):

[tessus@atvie01s 0 /data/home/tessus]$

It seems that version 1.9 uses the return value of "readlink -f `pwd`" instead
of `pwd`.

My /home is a link:

[tessus@atvie01s 0 ~]$ ls -ld /home
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2007-09-01 19:34 /home -> /data/home/

I'm curious, because tmux 1.9 behaves differently than 1.8. In 1.8 tmux
wouldn't have changed the directory from /home/tessus to /data/home/tessus.

Any chance that I can tell tmux not to expand (canonicalize) my working 


regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek
lookup for KeyID 0xC11F128D

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   await thee at its end.

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