On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Balazs Kezes <rlblas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-10-28 17:42 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>> I login on my Beaglebone via ssh using this command:
>> ssh -t root@<ip-address> screen -R -d
>> ...
>> What is the above ssh-command in case of tmux to acchieve the same as
>> with using screen ?
> Have you tried "ssh -t root@<ip-address> tmux attach -d"? Or even
> better: "ssh -t root@<ip-address> new-session -A -s 0" -- this one will
> start a new server as well if one isn't already running.
>> To make this work I have to remember to use C-a d to detach from a
>> login instead of CTRL-D to exit, since this would kill screen.
>> Autodetach does NOT work as expected here...
> Ctrl-D is the same as if you've typed exit into your shell -- it quits
> the shell. If the shell exited there's nothing left to run in your
> session so naturally tmux/screen also quits. What exactly are you trying
> to achieve?

I think what the OP wants is to add "setopt ignoreeof" to his
~/.zshrc. This tells the shell to ignore the end-of-file signal
emitted by pressing CTRL-D.


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